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· Subject: rec.arts.manga: Welcome to rec.arts.manga
Archive-name: manga/welcome
WELCOME TO REC.ARTS.MANGA =========================
Edited by Steve Pearl March 1993
This is a monthly posting to familiarize new readers with the
rec.arts.manga newsgroup. If you have any questions, additions or
corrections, please send them to:
Internet: pearl@remus.rutgers.edu or Steve Pearl CI$: >internet:
pearl@remus.rutgers.edu 359 Lloyd Rd GEnie: S.PEARL6
Aberdeen, NJ 07747-1826
Changes to this posting since January, 1993: [None]
DISCLAIMER 1: To the best of our knowledge, the editor is not associated
with ANY of the companies or organizations mentioned below.
DISCLAIMER 2: The opinions expressed on this post do not necessarily
represent the opinions held either by the editor or any organization he's
affiliated with.
A newsgroup for the discussion of manga and related subjects.
Discussion about manga, a term used to denote the popular art and
its artstyle that is derived originally and primarily from Japanese
graphic novels, and any comics or art (from any country) with
strong manga influence. (most notably manga from Taiwan and
Hongkong, which is known as ManHwa in Chinese)
This newsgroup will provide a forum for discussion related to
manga, the Japanese storytelling art form, plus comics and other
arts with strong manga influences.
The topics that are to appear in this newsgroup may include: -
information on how and where to get manga material - reviews of
manga - discussion about the artstyle, stories, and history of
manga - fan translation of manga stories - discussion of
manga-related products - reporting and discussion of any news
about manga. - discussion about how to do manga -
social/philosophical implications and impact of manga - manga art
in society : commercial packaging, advertisements, etc - the
influence of manga to other art forms
Although in it's broadest definition (under which this newsgroup was
created) manga includes most forms of animation and comics, we recommend
that people interested in American or Asian animation check out the
newsgroups rec.arts.animation and rec.arts.anime and likewise, people
interested in non-asian comics check out the rec.arts.comics hierarchy.
I'm sure that the readers of rec.arts.comics would be dismayed to realize
that their hierarchy should be moved under rec.arts.manga and we in no way
mean to impose on any other newsgroup.
If you're a new NetNews reader and don't know the correct protocol and
etiquette for posting messages, the following files accessible in the
news.announce.newusers newsgroup are recommended reading:
- "A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet" - "Rules for posting to
Usenet" - "Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions"
Some basic tips to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio:
- If you don't see postings about a subject you're interested in (and which
is related to this newsgroup), don't gripe, POST AN ARTICLE ABOUT THAT
SUBJECT! If you receive no reply in a week, TRY AGAIN! Fires don't
always start with the first spark.
- If you feel the need to insult someone, do it by electronic mail, or
better yet, write a scathing message and then throw it away. Please
don't do it here. It's irritating to the bystanders, and harmful to your
public image.
- Before you submit a follow-up to a message, read the rest of the messages
in the newsgroup to see whether someone has already said what you want to
say. If someone has, don't repeat it. If you're answering a question,
mail your answer to the person and suggest that they summarize to the
network. This way the net will only see a single copy of the answers, no
matter how many people answer the question.
- If you post a question, please remind people to send you the answers by
mail and at least offer to summarize them to the network.
The following are short descriptions of terms and abbreviations common in
this newsgroup.
.Z: Suffix for compressed text files. See Compressed Text.
3x3: Sazan Eyes (three eyes), a popular monster/magic/myth manga by Yuzo
AMG: Ah My Goddess, a popular romance fantasy manga, by Kozuke Fujisima.
Anime: Japanese word for animation, pronounced "ah-nee-may"
Anonymous FTP: A method to log into a remote machine without needing an
account, and extracting software from it. A list of machines with manga
resources available through anonymous FTP is given later on. If you want
to use anonymous FTP but don't know how, ask your local System
Bishonen: "beautiful male" manga, female oriented manga with a more 'soft'
art style than the standard. Males are androgynous to effeminately
Compressed text: Text files compressed with the Unix compress(1) program.
This is done to long text files (like manga scripts) to save disk storage
space. In order to view such a file, you must first run uncompress(1) or
an equivalent program in order to convert it back to its original form.
You could also use zcat(1) to view the contents of the file without
decompressing it.
FAQ: Frequent Asked Questions. r.a.m. offer the following FAQ lists for the
new netters.
1) An introduction to the newsgroup and its slang. (That is the
article you are reading now.) 2) FAQ: Answers to common
questions. 3) Manga Guide: A 2 part guide to the best (and not
so best) manga available. 4) Manga Resources: Where to get
Those lists are posted on rec.arts.manga once every month.
FSS: Five Stars Story, a popular sci-fi mecha manga, by Mamoru Nagano.
FTP: See Anonymous FTP.
FYI: For Your Information
GIF: GIF is a format developed at CompuServe to store color computer
graphics in a compact, machine independent format. To view a GIF file you
need a program that reads the GIF file and produces an image in the format
used by your computer system. The /gifstuff directory in the
ix3.ucc.utexas.edu anonymous FTP site contains GIF viewers for Amiga, Apple
II and IIgs, Macintosh, MS-DOS, Sun, and X. If you can't find what you're
looking for, you can ask in the appropriate newsgroup for your computer, or
in alt.graphics.pixutils.
"H": see Hentai
Hentai: Japanese for pervert.
IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
JIS: A code which allow Japanese characters (kana) to be transfer among
western computer networks. You would need a special program/decoder to
read the original Japanese character on your computer.
JPEG: A new kind of scheme for graphic compression. You would need a
decompression program or a viewer program for viewing JPEG just as you
would for a GIF file.
KOR: Kimagure Orange Road, a popular romance comedy manga, by Izumi
Manga: Pronounced "man-gah". A type of Japanese artform which has it's
roots in Ukiyo-e wood prints and other traditional art. In it's popular
culture form of Asian sequential art and graphic storytelling, manga can be
found in most Japanese bookstores. The manga style of artwork is even
finding it's way into American comics
Manga CD: CD that is produced for the sole reason of listening while
reading the corresponding manga title.
Mailing list: A method of communication between fans of a given subject
without the need of a newsgroup. A member of a mailing list sends e-mail
to a machine called a "mailing list server", which in turn sends copies of
the e-mail to all the members of the mailing list. To subscribe to the
mailing list, send e-mail to the mailing list server. The first line of
the e-mail should look like this: subscribe list-name yourlogin@youraddress
Firstname Lastname
Mecha: Roughly, Japanese for "mechanicals". Most of the so-called "giant
robot" manga are known as mecha manga.
Model kit: Scale model. It follow The most popular varieties of these are:
injection-molded - this is the typical polyestyrene scale model most people
are familiar with. garage kits - usually done from plastic resin (for
mecha) or vinyl (for character models). These tend to be VERY expensive
(They generally start at $40 and can easily reach ten times as much!)
OAV: Original Animation Video. Made for video productions.
Otaku: Japanese for "fanboy", a slang to describe someone who is obsessed
with one specific hobby. Not in common usage in Japan.
R.A.A. rec.arts.anime, a usenet newsgroup for the discussion of anime.
R.A.M. rec.arts.manga, a usenet newsgroup for the discussion of manga.
SASE: Self Addressed and Stamped Enevelope
Script: An English-text script for a particular manga. Very useful for
Japanese- impaired manga fans.
Shojo: Young Girl, commonly use to describe manga with a particular styles
that were targeted for young girls.
Shonen: Young Boy, commonly use to describe manga with a particular styles
that were targeted for young boys.
Synopsis: A text description of manga, possibly with some snippets of
dialogue thrown in. Unlike translations, a synopsis does not require the
approval of the legal owner of the manga before it is made publicly
Usenet Manga Titles List: A compiled list from the combined efforts of
rec.arts..manga. It lists all the Japanese manga magazines with its
current running manga titles.
UY: Urusei Yatsura, a popular sci-fi romance comedy manga, by Rumiko
VGA: Video Girl Ai, a popular fantasy romance manga, by Masakazu Katsura
========================================================================= ·
Subject: rec.arts.manga: Frequently Asked Questions
Archive-name: manga/faq
================================================== Edited by
Steve Pearl March 1993
This is a monthly list of questions that have been frequently asked in this
newsgroup. If you have any questions, additions or corrections, send them
Internet: pearl@remus.rutgers.edu or Steve Pearl CI$: >internet:
pearl@remus.rutgers.edu 359 Lloyd Rd GEnie: S.PEARL6
Aberdeen, NJ 07747-1826
Changes to this posting since February, 1993: - Expanded the Kia Asimiya
Yes, There is a book called "Manga! Manga!" by Frederik L. Schodt, which
examines in detail the history, background, content, etc of manga in the
popular culture. There is also a magazine called "Mangajin", which aids in
the learning of the Japanese language through the use of manga. (Check the
"How do I learn Japanese" section for more detail.)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
Check the Rec.Arts.Manga Guide.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
Check the Rec.Arts.Manga Resource Guide.
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Check the FTP Script List, a list of all the scripts available through
anonymous Also posted monthly on rec.arts.manga
------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
Edited from the rec.arts.anime faql:
As is to be expected, all manga is in Japanese. Synopses & scripts all
help to understand what's going on, but they can only cover a fraction of
all the manga being released at a certain time. A common question in
rec.arts.manga and sci.lang.japan is "What books would you folks recommend
for someone who wants to learn colloquial Japanese?"
The following books have been recommended by persons in this newsgroup as
good sources for learning Japanese. Of course, they can't replace a live
teacher in a Japanese course at your local university, or practicing with a
Japanese-speaking friend (a GOOD friend, in case you unwittingly commit a
faux-pas :-).
NOTE: If you wish to translate manga yourself and aren't too familiar with
the Chinese characters called Kanji, then you should look for manga that
contains furigana alongside the kanji. Furigana is small phonetic writing
that gives you the pronunciation and reading of the complex Chinese
characters in Kana.
Basic Japanese textbooks:
BASIC STRUCTURES IN JAPANESE by Aoki, Hirose, Keller, Sakuma
Taishukan Publishing Company A beginner's Japanese textbook.
JAPANESE: THE SPOKEN LANGUAGE by Eleanor Jordan The standard text
for college level Japanese. Yale university Press, 1988. ISBN
ESSENTIAL JAPANESE by Samuel. E. Martin.
JAPANESE FOR BUSY PEOPLE (volumes I and II) by Association for
Japanese-Language Teaching (AJALT) Kodansha International
Publishers (Tokyo and NY) Another beginner's Japanese textbook.
Books on colloquial Japanese:
MAKING OUT IN JAPANESE by Todd & Erika Geers Yenbooks (Charles E.
Tuttle Publishing Company) A book on colloquial Japanese.
MORE MAKING OUT IN JAPANESE The sequel to "Making Out in Japanese"
MANGAJIN P.O. Box 49543 Atlanta, GA 30359 This is a magazine with
detailed panel-by-panel manga translations, along with articles on
the Japanese culture. Regular features include: "Galaxy Express
999", "What's Michael", "Tanaka-kun", etc. Great for learning
colloquial Japanese.
Books on Japanese Grammar:
Senko K. Maynard The Japan Times A book on Japanese Grammar
Reference works:
Other suggestions:
Get a feel of basic Japanese before figuring out the slangs and
Keep in mind that even the simplest manga assume about 7 years of
constant Japanese usage.
Get Japanese copies of children's classics such as Winne-the-Pooh,
A Christmas Carol, etc., which are aimed for elementary/grammar
school children. Read them and compare with the original English.
Jordan's book has plain style Japanese starting with chapter 9.
Most minor Japanese sentences are in the so-called "direct" style.
Live in Japan for a while. [A bit drastic, isn't it? -- Editor]
Read manga and watch T.V., preferably watch some show with
LOTS OF PATIENCE!! Learning a new language is never easy.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
Japonisme is a term to describe the influence of Japanese art and style
(including manga) on Western art and culture. Rutgers University hosts the
International Center on Japonisme at the Zimmerli Art Museum in New
Brunswick, NJ. [Further information to be added as they send it to me...]
------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
At Anime Expo '92, Mikimoto Haruhiko stated to the effect that
although they're not friends, but he does know him (Kia) and that
Kikuchi and Asamiya are the same person.
Another thing to consider is that there are Newtype calendars that,
have Silent Mobius images that say (in big bold letters) Mitchitaka
Kikuchi, and then in little tiny letter Copyright 1991(?) Kia
------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
Wide version refers to reissue of compiliation, typically twice to
three times the page count of your ordinary compiliation; Urusei
Yatsura was issued in 30 (somebody correct me if I'm wrong here)
compiliations, and its wide version is only 15 compiliations
(again, correct me if I'm wrong) or Outlanders, originally released
in 8 compiliations, its wide version is only 2 compiliation.
Consider wide version... compiliation of compiliation...
From a post by chu@ucsee.berkeley.edu (real
name unknown)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
These are actually two different things.
-Phone Cards:
Ma Bell in Japan is still a national monopoly / government
bureacracy. Nippon Telephone and Telegraph (NTT) charges 10 yen per
time unit for local calls. 10 yen coins are an annoyance to carry
around. Sort of like a pocket full of nickles. But if you stuff a
larger denomination coin into a phone, you don't get change for
time/money not used. Enter the telephone card. It is a cheap piece
of plastic the size of a credit card with a magnetic widget inside.
You buy them from a vending machine or a kiosk (in denominations
ranging from 500 to 5000 yen). The green phones are (mostly) wired
to accept phone cards (yes, there are different color phones
depending on the type of call). Stuff a telephone card into the
slot and you don't have to worry about carrying around a pocket
full of nickles and the magnetic widget counts off each time unit
as you use it. There cards are particularly useful for
international calls. Each time unit costs 100 yen and they count
off very quickly.
With all these little plastic cards running around, somebody in
Japan got the idea of putting pretty pictures on them. Like
mountains, or rivers, or forests, or movie stars, or whatever.
Certain types of fans like to collect these cards (sort of like a
cross between expensive postage stamps and baseball cards). For
these fans, companies print up limited runs of cards with
desireable pictures on them and then sell them for double the face
value (spend 1000 yen to get a 500 yen card). The fans value these
cards as long as they are not used at all. So they are another
anime/manga collectable. - from a post by Eric Kouba
- Phone Books
This is a term used to describe the various manga magazines. These
periodicals are typically printed on newsprint, and contain several
ongoing manga stories (which, if popular, are usually collected
into collections). These magazines are VERY thick and often
resemble phonebooks.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
OTAKU? WHAT'S AN OTAKU? (Expanded Definition)
OTAKU (1) Original meaning: Your house (company, organiztion, etc), used as
a polite form of the second person => you
(2) Meaning in early-late 1980's: An extreme fan of anime/manga/sf who
lacks communications with other people and usually untidy => nerd, fanboy
[Otakus used "otaku" for "you" instead of more common "anata" "anta" and
that' what gave them the title of Otaku-Zoku (otaku-race)]
(3) Current Usage: Anyone obssesd or overly interested with any subject
<ex.> Car otaku, Gun Otaku, etc... => mania, freak
(2) has VERY negative meanging and (3) still carries negative meaning,
unless used between otakus, of course. :-) So use "otaku" to only other
anime fans.
On the net, Otaku is usually refered to a big fan of anime and/or manga.
For example, I'm an Otaku. :-)
--From a posting by Tonghyun "Vajra" Kim
This case doesn't have anything to do with government censorship in Japan.
Parental (and other) groups pressured Shuueisha to withdraw it from sale,
because some content was seen as unsuitable for its boys + girls audience.
(An assessment I agree with, but that's just MHO. The reaction is, I
imagine, rather like what would happen in the US if "Liquid Sky" was shown
in the "Tiny Toons" timeslot.)
It seems that this sort of "voluntary censorship" is on the increase in
Japan. (Actually, "censorship" is too strong a word - it's just voluntary
compliance with public pressure.) Mainly the H-and-violence stuff is being
targeted. VGA fits into this category (though it's a pretty tame example).
It reminds me of toned-down Ujin, visually... and Ujin's stuff is not for a
general audience, to say the least.
As for "why now", maybe they've had it too good too long. I wouldn't link
it to one individual incident like the Miyazaki murders, but who can tell?
I don't live in Japan. Who knows. -- From a posting by Iain Sinclair
What I remember: "Masamune Shirow" is a pen name, he does manga-ing in his
spare time (hence the long delays!), and the reason he doesn't use his real
name is that his employer would frown upon his "moonlighting" as a mangaka.
Whether this means he'd be fired or just reprimanded or something, I don't
know, but he deliberately doesn't use his real name. -- From a posting by
Bill Barnes
========================================================================= ·
Subject: rec.arts.manga: Manga Guide Part 1/2
Archive-name: manga/guide/part1
The rec.arts.manga Guide Part 1/2 (A-M) Version 4.4
(February 1993)
New in this version: - Updated for Jan/Feb. releases: H2 #2 Compiler #3
Tokyo Babylon #5 X #3 Magical Taruruuto-kun #20 W.Wolf #1 Kujaku-Oh
Taimaseiden #7 Damned #3
- New contributors: Satoshi Amagai, Jason Juta - added Kanzaki Masanomi,
Yokoyama Mitsuteru - updated Tezuka Osamu (extensively) - many corrections
and updates
About the rec.arts.manga Guide: - This Guide is a list of manga artists
and their works. It is intended to answer questions about "what has this
artist done", "which magazine has this title", "how many volumes are
there", "is it finished", "is it animated". Please consult this Guide
before posting to rec.arts.manga. The Guide is also intended to recommend
and review manga. If you're new to manga, don't be daunted by its size,
just browse it at your leisure, maybe searching the text for keywords or
artists that interest you.
- It is predominantly the work of various rec.arts.manga contributors,
who are credited where possible. If you use the Guide as a reference for
published work, please cite the Guide as your source (and the
contributor, if credited).
- You can order manga through most Japanese bookstores (which are listed
in the rec.arts.manga Resources). You will usually need to know the
title, author, price, and the publisher. Each title listed in the Guide
has a line of information about its current status. For example:
(1987-1991, v35F, Y450, SJ, TV series+movies) "1987-1991": Commenced
publication in 1987, ceased in 1991. "v35F": 35 volumes have been
published. 'F'=the series is finished. 'U'=finished in magazine, but
the final volume remains unpublished. "Y450": Each volume costs 390
Yen. (Y390 is the "default" price.) "SJ": Magazine that carried the
title. Abbreviations are used for popular magazines (SJ=Shonen Jump);
refer to the list of magazines and publishers at the end. If the
magazine is unknown, the publisher is listed instead. '*'=the title
appears in the magazine irregularly. "TV series+movies": Related
works, eg. anime TV series and anime movie.
- This Guide contains JIS (encoded Japanese) for each author, and in
other places. This is to help you with browsing, ordering manga, etc. At
the moment, you will have to replace the '^[' with a true '^[' escape
character to view the JIS. (eg. :%s/\^\[/^[/g in ex)
- Every month, the Guide is updated with new material and information
about new releases. However, there are many entries which are incomplete
or inaccurate. Corrections, contributions and feedback are always
greatly appreciated. If you have any new authors to add, please describe
either their art/ storytelling style OR at least one of their works. Two
or three sentences are sufficient to give a good idea of most manga
titles. If you don't see your favorite artist here, write an entry! You
might like to post your contributions to rec.arts.manga to stimulate
discussion; otherwise, they should be mailed to the current maintainer
of the Guide, Iain Sinclair (axolotl@socs.uts.edu.au).
Manga Authors and Titles
^[$@ ---- Rise, Setting Sun! Yuu Hi yo Nobore (album, Y680, Flower Comics,
story by Yamasaki Juuzou) Characters are typical of Adachi, since
characters in all his works are the same. All the characters here are just
a bit less polished compared to later works. As is typical with shoujo
manga, Adachi concentrated on characters and less on background, so as to
create a "dreamy" atmosphere. [CPK]
Nine ^[$@%J%$%s^[(B (v5F, SS, 3 TV movies [available on VHS]) High school
baseball (plus some other sports) and romance story.
Miyuki ^[$@$_$f$-^[(B (v12F/Y390, v5F wide, Shougakukan, TV series) High
school brother and step sister romance story.
Touch ^[$@%?%C%A^[(B (v26F/Y390, v9?F wide, SS, TV series [108 ep]+3
movies) There are three "parts" to Touch. In the first part, the main
theme was the love triangle between Tatsuya, Kazuya, and Minami. Uesugi
Tatsuya and Kazuya were twins, and Asakura Minami was the girl next door.
The second part of Touch concentrated on Tatsuya trying to put himself
into Kazuya's shoes. Tatsuya got "traded" from the boxing team to the
baseball team for a picture of Lum with an autograph of Takahashi Rumiko.
Tatsuya pitched the Meisei team into the second round of the regional
tournament, but lost to Nishimura and Seinan High School in an extra
inning game while pitching a no-hitter. Minami, who had been the
baseball team manager, also became a member of the school's rhythmic
gymnastics team. Minami did exceptionally well and made it to the
national tournament. The third part of Touch concentrated on Tatsuya
making himself good enough for Minami. Meisei got a new coach because
the old coach got sick. The new coach worked the team like the devil.
But it paid off as Meisei made it to the finals of the regional
tournament to face Nitta and Sumi Technical High School. [HD]
Rough ^[$@%i%U^[(B (v12F, Y390, SS) High school swimming and romance
Slow Step ^[$@%9%m!<%9%F%C%W^[(B (v7F, Y390, Shougakukan, 5 OAVs) High
school girl's softball and boxing and romance story.
H2 (1992, v2, SS) Adachi's current work; another highschool baseball story.
Other works: Ah! The Youth of Koushien ^[$B$"$"!*@D=U$N9C;R1`^[(B (v7F,
Shogakukan) Short Program ^[$@%7%g!<%H!&%W%m%0%i%`^[(B (v1F, Shogakukan)
Rainbow Chilli ^[$@Fz?'$H$&$,$i$7^[(B (1990-1992, v11U, SS) Hiatari Ryoukou
^[$@M[$"$?$jNI9%^[(B! (v2?F, Y680, Shougakukan, movie [1988])
---- Araki Hirohiko ^[$B9SLZHtO$I'^[(B ---- Well known for unique art
style and bizarre sound effects. However Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is
beginning to show the limit of his imagination. [TK]
BAOH ^[$B%P%*!<MhK,<T^[(B (v1, ?, English)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken
^[$B%8%g%8%g$N4qL/$JKA81^[(J (v29, Y390, SJ) Four generations of the Jojo
family seek revenge against vampires.
---- Aro Hiroshi ^[$@$"$m$R$m$7^[(J (a psuedonym) ---- An unusual
artist/writer. Most of his stories have a clear, clean appearance with a
surreal quality. This could also be said of his characters, tone, and
attitude. He uses "hentai" with its double meaning of "metamorphosis" to
describe weird backgrounds, assorted personalities, and other strangeness.
His humor oriented stories usually share the same universe. [NA]
Morumo 1/10 (v2F, Shonen Captain) Morumo 1/10 is a combination of
super-hero, comedy, and love story. Morumo is an alien girl raised on
earth. She is 16.3 meters tall at age 16 and weighs 43 tons. She looks
human (with pink hair) if you are far enough away, well her proportions
are human. She occasionally takes a shrinking serum that reduces her body
by 1/10 in size.
You and Me ^[$@M%!uL%0a^[(B (v8F, Monthly SJ) You is a boy who just moved
into the equivalent of a boarding house. Everything is not as it first
seems, even the boy. Living in the same room is a ghost (female) named
Me. The series is a combination of love, humor, and a general parody of
anime and manga.
Futaba-kun, Change! ^[$@$U$?$P7/%A%'%s%8^[(B (1991, v4, SJ Monthly)
Another high school hentai slapstick. Futaba changes his/her gender when
he/she gets excited. But it's not only him. His family is filled with
gender-changing people.
Hunter Cats (1992, Shonen Captain) It is a semi-parody of the
trouble-shooter genre. Basically, its about 3 women with inhuman
capabilities in their specialties solving cases. It is derived and an
improvement over his earlier work, Sheriff. One of the members is also
from Sheriff. The names and titles are: Mei the cyberqueen (super
hacker), Akira the iron fist (great strength, very athletic, has scars
all over her body), and Hikaru the quick (unmatched pick pocket, has super
speed, can grab a fired bullet from the air and steal bullets from guns
without the user being aware; when she was younger she was in Sheriff and
was a thief, but she reformed).
Other works: Boogie-Woogie Alligator, Omisore Toraburikko, Tottemo Shounen
Tankentai, Sheriff, Trickster, Unkai no Tabibito, Waka-okusama no Abunai
---- Asamiya Kia ^[$@Kc5\530!^[(B ---- Asamiya Kia is the same person as
the famous animator/character designer Kikuchi Michitaka. [TK]
Gunhed ^[$@%,%s%X%C%I^[(B (v1, English)
^[$@?@@15-%t%!% (v2, Comptique (Kadokawa Shoten))
Silent Klein (aka. Silent Moebius) ^[$@%5%$%l%s%H%a%S%&%9^[(B (1990, v5,
Y950, Comp, novels+game books+movie+English)
Compiler ^[$@%3%s%Q%$%i^[(B (1991-92, v3F, Afternoon)
^[$@@;=CEA@b% (1991, v1, Newtype) The current storyline is about an
impetuous young boy named Dark, his tiny assistant angel, and the mad
spoiled lord who's on the verge of stumbling into a major war in his
attempts to kill Dark. This series has some nice artwork, and good
character interaction, though all of the character designs have
equivalents in Compiler. [CH]
Assembler 0X (1992, Afternoon) A Compiler spinoff, though it's
substantially different.
---- Asari Yoshitoh ^[$B$"$5$j$h$7$H$*^[(J ---- Asari Yoshitoh's style
tends to be simple, almost cutesy...except for the times he does exploding
entrails and shotgun wounds. Whereupon his attention to detail is
impressive. [JE]
A Collection of Short Stories Tampenshuu ^[$BC;JT=8^[(J (1989, Y680,
Tokumashoten) A collection book of some of Asari's short comics from 1980
to 1988 put out as an Animage Comics Special book, this collection shows
the variety of different stories and styles that Asari is comfortable with.
My personal favorite is 'The Magnificent Seven Zombies.' (A somewhat
paraphrased title.) Included is a list of all Asari's published stories up
to 1988, for fanatical collectors.
Space Family Carlvinson Uchuu Kazoku Karubinson
^[$B1'Ch2HB2%+%k%S%s%=%s^[(J (1986-present, v8, Y380, Shonen Captain, OAV)
When a motley band of travelling performers have a deep-space collision
with another spacecraft, they find that the sole survivor of the other
craft is a humanoid infant. They decide to raise the child as their own on
the nearest planet as they wait for other members of the girl's race to
come and find her. Corona-chan grows up as their daughter, and the manga
details her five-year-old adventures with her fuzzball mother, her
robot-soldier father, her living-central-nervous-system pet, and the other
bizarre members of the local village.
Nakasorachiboueigun (v1F?, Tokuma Shoten) Strange mecha story.
The Girl Defending Earth, Iko-chan Chikyuu Bouei Shoujo Iko-chan
^[$@CO5eKI1R>/=w%$%3$A$c$s^[(B (1990, Y890)
Tadaima Kiseichu (1990?-present, v?, Comp) Intestinal parasites turn an
average girl into a superhero.
Manga Science ^[$@$^$s$,%5%$%(%s%9^[(B (1991, Y780) Manga Science II
^[$@$^$s$,%5%$%(%s%9^[(BII (1992, Y780)
Wahhaman ^[$B%o%C%O%^%s^[(J (1991-present, v1, Y420, Afternoon) Wahhaman
is a special robot soldier built ten thousand years ago by the
Atlanteans. Found and dug up in present-day Tokyo, he cannot remember
any of his past, due to a nasty knock to the head he received at some
point. People tend to mistake Wahhaman, who is unable to speak except for
laughing when going into battle, for someone or something that they are
looking for in their own lives.
---- Chen Wen ^[$@E"Ld^[(B (Chen Uen) ---- Taiwan's most accomplished
manga artist. After experimenting with such things as soap and candle wax,
he eventually mastered the use of the traditional Chinese calligraphy
brush. Chen Wen's exotic art and stories are unmistakably unique. [bib.
by CPK]
Leopard Warriors (1983, v3F, Time Weekly [A Taiwanese magazine])
Heroes of the East Chu Dynasty Tou-Shuu Eiyuu-den ^[$@El<~1QM:EA^[(B
(1991, v2, Morning) Chinese historical figures in the days of East Chou
Magical Super Asia (official title) Profoundly Beautiful Asia/ Fukaku
Utsukushiki Asia ^[$@?<$/H~$7$-%"%8%"^[(B (1992, v1, Y1000, Afternoon) The
story of psychics, beast-people, powerful demigods and ordinary citizens in
a totalitarian society ruled by the Ideal Leader.
Other works: Leopard Warriors II, The God of War, Story of the Assassins,
The Armor General
---- CLAMP ---- CLAMP is composed of 6 talented ladies and each member has
her own specialty. Core member of CLAMP is Mokona Apapa (main artist) and
Ohkawa Nanase (writer) who are DIRECTLY responsible for such manga as
RG-VEDA, X and Tokyo Babylon. Without doubt, CLAMP is the hottest
shojo-manga artist in Japan now. [TK]
20 Mensou Onegai 20^[$@LLAj$K$*4j$$^[(J! (v1, Comic Genki)
Shirahime Shou ^[$@GrI1>6^[(B (Y500, Comic Val) This book consists of 3
romance short stories about the topic "snow". There is a legend that
whenever it snows, it is the tears of white princess. Artwork may not
appeal to many, because to create the sentimental snow environment, the
background is always dark. But the stories are quite good and romantic.
^[$@@;E (v6, Y490, ?(Shinshokan), 2 OAVs) Although CLAMP borrowed ideas
and names from Hindu/Buddhist mythology, RG-VEDA has very little to do
with them in terms of story. This manga is CLAMP's first major work and
its story and art are getting better and better with each volume. IMO,
RG-VEDA defines the current "state of the art" of Shojo-manga. HIGHLY
Campus Police Dukylon ^[$@3X1`FC7Y%G%e%+%j%*%s^[(B (v1, Newtype 100%
Comics) CLAMP did this manga as a joke.
CLAMP Campus Detective Service ^[$B#C#L#A#M#P3X1`C5De^[(B (v1, Y520, Asuka
Comics Deluxe) A light comedy featuring three whiz kids in Clamp
Elementary School. Takes place in the same campus as Deukarion. [TK]
The detective team aims to help female students on campus to find clues
to their lost stuff. Nokoru is very popular among female students, and
he's quite glad to help them. He is sort of the "leader" of the team,
and he is extremely smart. [CM]
Tokyo Babylon ^[$@El5~#B#A#B#Y#L#O#N^[(B (v5, Y580, OAV, Shinshokan) Demon
hunt story heavily influenced by Kujaku-Oh. However, it concentrates more
on the social background and inner feelings of characters rather than
violence and action. [TK]
Cluster (v2, Y880, story by ?yama Tamayo)
X (v3, Y390, Asuka) Occult battle manga taking place in the near future.
Features great artwork, intriguing characters and complex plots. It takes
place in the same Universe as TB.
^[$@9 ---- A former disciple of Motomiya Hiroshi, he got his big break when
his manga "Don't Give Up" won the Comic Morning Open contest.
Be Free! (1986-?, v12, Morning, out of print) The turbulent life of a maths
teacher surrounded by sleazy characters. Increasingly weird towards the
Magical Taruruuto-kun ^[$@$^$8$+$k!y%?%k$k!<%H$/$s^[(J
(1989-Oct 1992, v20U, SJ, TV [87 ep]+3 movies) 5th grader Edojou Honmaru
is one of the weakest in his class, until he meets the little magician
Taruruuto. Taru's magic helps him to deal with girls, triumph over
bullies and meet other challenges. Lots of fun, protracted battles and
slapstick, a real "feelgood" title. In many ways, the definitive Shonen
Jump manga. [IS]
Golden Boy (1992, Super Jump*) Kintarou is a 25 year old genius dropout
from Tokyo University, who likes to tutor and study. His favourite
subject for research: women.
Other works: Tokyo Daigaku Monogatari ^[$BEl5~Bg3XJ*8l^[(B (1992, Big
Comics Spirits) Magical Taruruuto-kun Magic Items
^[$@$^$8$+$k!y%?%k$k!<%H$/$sKbK!%"%$%F%`^[(B (1991, art book?, Y480)
---- Fujishima Kosuke ^[$@F#Eg9/2p^[(B ---- Fujishima is a keen fan of
motorcyles and engine mechanics stuff. So expect to see a lot of things
about them in his manga. [PY] As you can see in AMG!, Fujishima also has a
great talent for designing custumes and has done costume designs for KO
Seiki Beast Sanjuushi. [TK]
Taiho Shichau zo/You're Under Arrest ^[$BBaJa$7$A$!$&$>^[(B (v7F, Y420,
Comic Morning Party Extra (Koudansha), OAVs) The manga which made
Fujishima famous. As commonly found in debut manga, the art style
changes quite a lot from the first volume. The story is about the life
of two policewomen, Miyuki (mechanical genius, expert vehicle driver, the
brain of the pair, more introverted), and Natsumi (enormous strength,
expert motorcyle driver, more action-minded). Both feel embarassed when
faced with romantic situations. There are many interesting supporting
roles. [PY]
Ah! My Goddess!/Aa! Megamisama! ^[$B$"$"$C=w?@$5$^$C^[(B (v7, Y450,
Afternoon, OAVs+CDs)
---- Fujita Kazuhiro ^[$@F#EDOBF|O:^[(J ---- Ushio to Tora
^[$@$&$7$*$H$H$i^[(B (1989, v12, SS, 6 OAVs+Super Famicom game) Aotsuki
Ushio was a normal junior highschool boy until he accidentally pulled the
"Spear of the Beast" out of a powerful monster, imprisoned in the basement
of his house. The monster tried to eat Ushio but the spear, which has
strong magical powers, enabled Ushio to overwhelm the monster. Ushio named
the monster "Tora", which means TIGER in Japanese. Together they engage in
various monster hunts. Although Tora insist that he's helping Ushio because
he don't want other monster/demons to rob him of his "food", they develop a
strange friendship. [TK]
Other works: Riding a Merry-go-Round (short story) Yarof's Attraction-shop/
Yarof no atoraku-ya (1992)
---- GONTA ---- GONTA draws people with confidence and flair. His stories
are full of drama, screwed-up people and sex.
Heaven (v3F, Afternoon)
Jigoku no Ie/Housing Inferno ^[$BCO9v$N2H^[(B (1992, v1, Y500, Afternoon)
A famous actor (Harou) and his son (Kyouichi) and their highly screwed-up
---- Hagiwara Kazushi ^[$@Gk860l;j^[(J ---- Bastard!! (1987-1993, v12,
Y390, SJ Season Special, OAV) A virgin's kiss turns bimbo boy Luche into
the ancient sorcerer, Dark Schneider, just in time to save a kingdom from
Osborne and his minions... if D.S feels like it. Bastard!! is RPG manga
fantasy at its wildest, bursting with bimbos, violence, in-jokes, and
spectacular art (there is some particularly incredible tone work in later
Other works: Made Genius (doujinshi, with Studio Loud in School) Bakuen
Campus (1992, Virtual Jump)
---- Hirano Toshihiro ---- The Golden Warrior (v1) Prequel to Iczer-1.
The Iczer Legend Iczer Densetsu (v1, Comic Genki, based on OAVs) Iczer
Densetsu is only very loosely based on OAVS. It's Hirano's attempt to
recreate the Iczer Universe. [TK]
Dangaioh Legend DOLL (v1, NORA Comics Deluxe) Like Iczer Densetsu, it's
very loosely based on OAVs. Other than the name of characteres and their
looks, not much similarity (no mecha). [TK]
^[$@F ---- Please Save My Earth Boku no Chikyuu wo Mamotte
^[$@KM$NCO5e$r<i$C$F^[(B (v14, Hana to Yume) A high school girl named Alice
(yep, they found kanji for it) moves to Tokyo, where she finds that two
boys in her class have been sharing the same dreams for several years. The
dreams form a continuing story. She eventually finds herself having the
same dreams. It turns out that these dreams are actually remembrances of
their past lives, which happened to be as alien researchers stationed on
the Earth's moon. Also, as the story progresses the other members of the
moon research team are found reincarnated as well. The seven of them try to
solve the mystery of what their past lives were, and why they are
remembering it. Adding a bit of excitement to the story is the fact that
(1) the reincarnated people have some special powers that remained from
their past lives, and (2) certain of them harbor great enmity toward
others, and are acting rather irrational. I think it is a good suspense
story. It is definitely not merely one of those "love stories for junior
high school girls". ^_^ A bit of advice though: It is very hard to keep the
relationships between the characters straight, as you have to deal with
rather complicated love tangles in both the present day Japan setting and
the "moon story" setting. It doesn't help that the publisher for some
reason decided not to put the usual "toujyoujinbutu syoukai" in the front
of the issues until issue #6. I would strongly suggest that when you buy
#1, buy #6 at the same time. You can refer to the character chart in the
front of #6. [MC]
Mochiru ^ ---- Living Game ^[$@$j$S$s$0%2!<%`^[(B (v6, Big Comics
Spirits) A romantic comedy about a Fuwa, a guy living in a small apartment
in overcrowded Tokyo, who wants to have a place of his own. Because of a
building accident in their new office building, Fuwa's company (5
employees) had to move into his apartment, right after he had moved to a
larger place. Also the new employee (Hiyama Izumi, a 15 year old girl) had
to move into Fuwa's place, as she had just come from the country. Then
Fuwa's old girl friend Tokiko, who had already gotten married, ran away
from her husband and came to Fuwa's place. [HD]
Other works: Kakuteru Ponytail (1990, v1F, Y490), Wazukaitchomae (1991,
v1), Half na Bun dake (1991, v2F)
---- Hosono Fujihiko ^[$@:YLnIT?NI'^[(B ---- The original artist of the
Crusher Joe manga. [KM]
My Dear Batman Itoshi no Battoman ^[$@0&$7$N%P%C%H%^%s^[(B
Mama ^[$@%^%^^[(B (v9F, Y500, Young Sunday)
Gallery Fake ^[$@%.%c%i%j!<%U%'%$%/^[(B (v1, Y500 Big Comic Spirits)
Gomen Asobase ^[$@$4$a$s$"$=$P$;^[(B (v1, Y680, Comic Burger)
Tokyo Detectives' Group Tokyo Tanteidan ^[$@El5~C5DeCD^[(B (v3, Y780)
Other works: The Judge, Gu Gu Gunmo, Reservation Please!, University Boys,
Adlib Cine-Club, Sasuga no Sarutobi
^[$@ ---- Cat's Eye (1981-1984, v18F, SJ)
This is a story about three sisters who are insearch of their lost father,
who was a famous artist. They steal his works of art from museums/galleries
to make him recognize their presence in the world.. (Personally, it's much
better than City Hunter.. Houjou was compelled to draw City Hunter because
he was tired of drawing from a woman's point of view.)
Short Story Collection 1: Gift from Angel Tenshi no Okurimono (album, Y370,
SJ) There's one story about a pair of lovers always quarelling and not
admitting that they're suited for each other. But their future daughter
comes and helps them realise their love. [CM]
City Hunter (v35F, Y390 SJ, TV series + movies + live action movie) A
hentai trouble shooter and his hammer-wielding female assistant. Jackie
Chan stars in the movie.
Taxi Driver A vampire masquerades as a taxi driver, but he can only drink
the blood of virgins. [CM]
Family Plot About the bonding between father and son.
Young Girl's Season Shoujou no Kisetsu About the love between father and
---- Ikegami Ryouichi ^[$@CS>eNK0l^[(B ---- Aineo Boy (1971, Weekly
Gandai,story by Koike Kazuo)
Mai ^[$@Iq^[(B (v3F, Y780, Super Visual Comics, story by Kudou Kazuya,
English title "Mai the Psychic Girl") Story about a young, talented girl,
and the attempts to either kidnap and exploit her, or simply kill her.
Crying Freeman (v7?, Y500, Shogakukan, story by Koike Kazuo, English+3
OAVs) About a killer for the triads who cries whenever he kills someone.
Plenty of H.
Sanctuary ^[$@%5%s%/%A%e%"%j^[(B (v5, Y500, Big Comics Superior, story by
Shimura Shou, English) Story about two young men working together to
change the shape of Tokyo's politics -- one by becoming a politician, and
the other by becoming a Yakuza. Doesn't pull any punches. [CH]
Offered ^[$@%*%U%!!<%I^[(B (v4?, Y500, Shougakukan, story by Koike Kazuo)
The main character is an "offered" of Gilgamesh, (Gilgamesh preserved his
semen in an iceberg...so it survived. The grandfather of the main
character for some rason was able to gain the semen..) so he goes on this
trip to Agartha, where all the secrets of his birth lie. [KM]
I Hungry man boy I Katsuotoko boy ^[$@#I!&2nCK%\!<%$^[(B (v6, Y700, story
by Koike Kazuo)
Otoko-gumi ^[$@CKAH^[(B (v9?, Y780, Shougakukan, story by Kariya Tetsu)
The Life of Ouritsuin Kumomaru
no Sho (1991-1992, v3F, Y500, SS, story by Hiroi Ouji) In the early 1930s,
the son of a Japanese noble family travels to Europe to seek his fortune.
But he soon becomes embroiled in the militarist conspiracy, running up
against the militarists' ninja Juuzou, Chinese demons and fleets of
zeppelins. Another fine example of Ikegami's splendid art, but its awkward
story proved unpopular and it ended very prematurely. [IS]
---- Inoue Noriyoshi ^[$@0f>e5*NI^[(B ---- Mad Bull 34
^[$@%^%C%I!y%V%k#3#4^[(B (v19, YJ, story by Koike Kazuo, 4 OAVs) The
violent exploits of a NY cop. (It has ended on YJ, but there is some NEW
Mad Bull 34 in recent Bears Club magazines).
W.Wolf (v1, Jump 30*, story by Tohban Zenji) An international investigator,
possessed by the spirits of wolves, turns from a nerd to a musclebound
hunk in crisis situations. Each episode is set in a different part of
the world (Egypt, Africa, Australia, etc.) This is probably Noriyoshi's
best, though not as well known as MB 34.
Gulf Hawk ^[$@%,%k%U$NBk^[(B (v3F, YJ) About a Japanese cameraman in the
Gulf War. [KM]
Chronicle of Japan ^[$@O"4DF|K\=q5*^[(B (v2U, YJ, story by Koike Kazuo)
The reincarnates of the people who wrote the ancient Japanese legends in
the 1990s channel across time to search for the true Japanese History.
The Yellow Dragon's Ear ^[$B2+N6$N<*^[(B (1992, YJ)
Other works: Angels, Diamond Elfin, The Mission
^[$@5uL5@o;N#M#I# (v5F, Shounen Captain, 6 OAVs)
Getter Robo ^[$@%2%C%?!<%m%\^[(B (v3F, Y700, art by Nagai Gou)
Getter Robo ? ^[$@%2%C%?!<%m%\iK^[(B (1991, v4)
Infernal Reincarnation Makai Tensei
Skull Killer Devil King ^[$@%9%+%k%-%i!<<Y542&^[(B (1990, v2)
(1992, Y400, art by ^[$
^[$ ---- Makeupper ^[$@%a%$%-%c%C%Q!<^[(B (v3F, Y500, Studio Ship)
Grappler Baki ^[$@%0%i%C%W%i!<?O2g^[(B (1990, v5, Y390, Shounen Champion)
"Real Grappling Comic", focusing the attempts of Hanma Baki (a highschool
jujutsu-ka) to avenge his father. The main appeal for me is its slick
look, solid character designs, and very competent action sequences.
Probably Shounen Champion's most popular current title (though that isn't
saying much!). [IS]
---- Itsuki Natsumi ^[$@<y$J$D$_^[(B ---- Oz (1990-92, v4F, Y700, Jets
Comics, OAVs) A military action comic mixed with romance and combat
androids. The art style is feminine but the action isn't... [ME]
Other works: Marcheo Monogatari (v2F, Y1300), Hanashoukeru Seishounen (v6)
^[$@ ---- The Sound of Bone Hone no Oto ^[$B2;$N9|^[(B (1990, short story
^[$@4s@8=C^[(J (1990, v6, Afternoon) "One day, alien creatures appeared on
Earth. They invaded other animals through their nose or ears, and lived in
their brains, controlling their nervous system. These creatures were
'parabeasts', their numbers unknown. They can detect each other from their
brain waves, and can change their shape freely. One parasite tried to
invade his host, Shinichi, via his arm, but Shinichi stopped it reaching
his brain by tying up his arm. "Eventually, a symbiotic relationship
developed. Those parabeasts which lived on brains eventually consumed
their host and matured. So, to save themselves, Shinichi and his parabeast
'Miggy' began to fight against other parabeasts." Kiseiju has horrific
gore, but also features well-developed relationships, subtle dialogue, and
good atmosphere. The SF story is suspenseful, chilling and plausible.
Narumi ^ ---- The wife of Hirano.
"Comic Novel" It's basically a Miyu novel, with several illustrations by
Kakinouchi. I remember there are five short stories in the novel, but I
can't be sure
right out of the top of my head. The prologue in the book describes the
last scene in the first manga, so I suppose the stories come after the
manga. Oh, yes. The book is written by Kakinouchi herself. The book is
rather odd because you read quite a bit about Miyu's human character
(Attending a disguised party with Larva, etc.). As a bonus, the last part
of the book is a chapter of manga. I think this is the 'pilot' installment
of Miyu, and I think the book says something about this chapter was never
published before.
Vampire Princess Miyu ^[$@5[7lI1H~M<^[(B (1990, v1F, Y1000, story by ?,
Film Collection Miyu (1992, v2F, Y1900)
Cordname wa Charmer ^[$@%3!<%I%M!<%`$O#C#H#A#R#M#E#R^[(B (v2?) About
psychics in school. [CM]
New Vampire Miyu
^[$@?7! (1992, v1, Y850, story by Hirano Toshihiro) It's about the shinma
friends of Larva before he became the servant of Miyu came to Japan to meet
Larva, as well as planing to revenge against Miyu since she killed two of
their friends. [CM]
Mermaid Trip Kakinouchi and Hirano worked on this book together, and just
the book itself is worth the money. The book comes in such a cute size
with a beautiful cover, it's definitely worthwhile. [HTH]
Other works: Vampire Yui, Taketori Hime, Moon Princess (1991, Y800), ??
(Afternoon, 1993).
---- Kanzaki Masaomi ^[$B?@:j>-5p^[(B ---- Made his debut in 1985 at the
age of 21. 'Unique, hard-edged graphic style', with highly effective action
sequences. He favours fast-paced SF. [JJ]
[Japanese title??], aka. Xenon (1986, English) A very dramatic story set in
contemporary Japan about a guy with amnesia, who finds out he was turned
into a super-cyborg in a corporate weapon research program. He goes on a
mission of revenge. A little shallow, perhaps, but worth reading.
Other works: Kaze (1992, v3, Shonen Captain) Ash Geene (1988, v1F, SS,
Y370) Hunter (1989, v1F, Y490, Hakusensha) Hansen Shukai (1988, v2F, Y500,
Shougakukan, story by Kazuo Koike), Seimono ha yoroyattekure (v1F, Y906,
Shinshokan) Kagerou (v1F, Y490, Shinshokan) Bulldog (v1F, Y370,
---- Kariya Tetsu ^[$@4g20E/^[(B ---- Oishinbo ^[$@H~L#$7$s$\^[(B (v36,
Y500, Big Comics, art by Hanasaki Akira) This is the ultimate food manga.
The protagonists work for the culture section of a newspaper. Their star
reporter is a slovenly goof-off who knows incredibly much about food and
cooking. [TM]
---- Katsu Aki ^[$@9n!z0!<y^[(B ---- Fuhoushi Mandara-den Karasu (v3F, SS)
Katsu's attempt at occult action manga. Although it had decent plot, it had
many holes and showed his limit as an artist. [TK]
Stardust Paradise Hoshikuzu Paradise (v11F, SS)
Other works: Katsu Aki Short Story Col. (v2F, SS), Happy Naomae (v6F, SS),
Chouryuu Senki Sauros Knight (v3, SS)
Masakazu ^[ ---- Wingman (v13F, Y370, SJ, TV) One day, a guy finds a girl
dressed up in weird costumes.... one of her belongings was a Dream Note -
Whatever that's written in becomes true. He drew a fictional character
called Wingman.... which he transforms when a bunch of bad guys from
another world come to attack the strange girl he found. [KM]
Choukidouin Vander (v2F) A guy and a chick transform to become the Vander -
the hyper policeman... They are on a mission to fight the aliens who had
come from outer space to conquer Earth. [KM]
Katsura Masakazu Collection (v2?, 1=Y800 2=Y910, Shuueisha)
Present From Lemon (v2F, Shuueisha)
Video Girl Ai / Video Girl Len Den'ei Shoujo ^[$@EE1F>/=w^[(B (v14U, SJ, 6
OAVs+live action movie) Parental groups have pressured Shuueisha into
withdrawing vol.3 and vol.5 from sale, pending 'corrections' to the
artwork. Nothing particularly explicit, but some scenes suggesting
lesbianism/sexual slavery were judged to be unsuitable for SJ's typical
"boys and girls" audience.
Shadow Lady (1992, Virtual Jump)
---- Kawaguchi Kaiji ^[$@$+$o$0$A$+$$$8^[(J ---- Medusa
^[$@%a%G%e!<%5^[(B (v6, Big Comics) The story starts in 1969, when the
student movement in Japan was at its peak. [KM]
The Silent Service
^[$@D (v15, Y500, Morning) The advanced US nuclear submarine "Seabat" is
taken over by a Japanese crew, and renamed "Yamato". It then proceeds to
waste a large portion of the superpowers' fleets. This manga has some
infamy (being mentioned in the Diet), and is slightly derivative of The
Hunt for Red October. Lots of suspense, politics, and well-done naval
warfare scenes. However, it suffers from long and dull lapses in the
action (partially due to Kawaguchi idling while military photographers took
him to court for copying their work). The ending was determined by a
Morning readers' poll.
---- Kenshi Hirokane ^[$@907s7{;K^[(J ---- A lot of Hirokane's works are
critical of the society we live in. He addresses problems that we have to
deal with, as we see in all of his works. His wife is Saimon Fumi, who is
also a manga artist, famous for the original works of art for the smash TV
hits like Tokyo Love Story. [KM]
^[$ (v17F, Morning KC (Kodansha)) Kousaku Shima is a section chief of the
Electronic Giant Hatsushiba. He gets involved with a lot of women,
conspiracy inside the company, while he goes up and down the corporate
ladder. Written in a span of nine years from 1982 to 1991, Kousaku
Shima's character gradually changes from that of a normal, ambitious
salaryman in the beginning as he emerges in the end to become a sort of a
"super salaryman," a typical stereotype of the Japanese businessman. It
has been made into a movie starring Toshihiko Tahara.
^[$@?M4V8 (v27F, Big Comics, story by Masao Yajima) Human Scramble is a
collection of short episodes of small incidents in everyday life we
encounter every day. It is supposed to make us think of things we rarely
realize about in this information society.
Haro-hari Nezumi ^[$@%O%m!<D%$j%M%:%_^[(J (v23F, Young Magazine KC) The
main character is an assistant of a private eye.... He gets involved with
the political scandals, corporate conspiracies, etc.... He used to do
this in Young Magazine, but currently, he is on a hiatus and doing the
other things we have below. The story is not yet finished.
^[$@%i%9%H%K%e (v2, Big Comic Original) Last News is a 10 minute TV show
that focuses on one event that happened on a particular day... It
searches through to show what really happened, suggesting how the daily
incidents we see could be like.
Ryuusuke Kaji's Argument Kaji Ryuusuke No Gi ^[$@2C<#N42p$N5D^[(J (v2, Mr.
Magazine) "Overridden with scandals time after time, Japanese politicians
are shameful creatures. However, not all of them became politicians to get
fortune. In fact, most of them in the beginning must have had an ambition
to make the country into a better one. Yes, we must admit that we have a
dark side in Japanese politics. However, I also wanted to focus on the good
parts we have in Japanese politics today." This is a rough summary of what
Hirokane said in some TV show as he was introducing this story. Ryuusuke
Kaji, a son of a famous Japanese poplitician, undergoes the
hardship of becoming a Member of Diet after claiming mandate as an heir of
his father - in conservative Kagoshima Prefecture.
---- Kikuchi Hideyuki ^[$@5FCO=(9T^[(B ---- Kikuchi is a novelist, not a
manga artist. But he sometimes writes stories for manga, and several manga
and anime have been based on his novels. Actually, he is one of two most
famous novelists of the Horror/Action (Sex/Violence) genre. Unfortunately,
for those who cannot read Japanese, his best works are among the ones which
are available only as novels. Shinjuku seems to be his favorite setting.
Novels: Makai-Toshi <Shinjuku>/Demon City <Shinjuku> (OVA) Mato
Babylon/Demon City Babylon Sequel to <Shinjuku> Aki Setsura, the
Man-Searcher (v12) Mephisto, the Doctor of Demon City (v12) Makai
Keiji/Detective of Demon City (v2) (All the above stories are set in
<Shinjuku>.) Kyuuketsuki Hunter D/Vampire Hunter D (v7, OVA) Youjuu
Toshi/Super Natural Beast City (v3F, OVA+"Wicked City" live action movie)
The OVA only dealt with the first volume. (The baby of Makie and Taki was
born in the 3rd volume.) Demonic War in New York (v2F) Sequel to Youjuu
Toshi. Killer Name (v1F) Kaze no Na wa Amnesia/The Wind's Name is Amnesia
Manga: Majin Gakuen / Demonic High School (v9?, Y390?, Shounen Champion,
art by Hosoma Shin'ichi, based on novel) Makai Gakuen / Infernal High
School (v14, Y390, Shounen Champion, art by Hosoma Shin'ichi) Another
violence/sci-fi/fantasy manga from Kikuchi/Hosoma combi. Same old story
with slighty different characters. Western Bugei-chou / Samurai in the Wild
West (v1, art by JET, based on novel) Darkside Blues (v2F, art by Ashibe
Yuuho) Makai Toshi Hunter / Hunter of Demon City (v17F, Y390, Shounen
Champion, art by Hosoma Shin'ichi) Loosely based on the novel Makai Toshi
Shinjuku. It had many interesting characters and fascinating ideas in the
beginning but its ending was really lame. The art is OK but not
spectacular. Recommended if you're interested in nonsense
violence/fantasy/sci-fi mixture. [TK] Mokujiroku Senshi / Warrior of
Apocrypha (v1F, art by Hosoma Shin'ichi)
---- Kishiro Yukito ^[$@LZ>k$f$-$H^[(J ---- Gunnm (aka. "Battle Angel
Alita") ^[$@=FL4^[(B (1991, v3, BJ, Y460, anime in June+English)
Cyberpunk. Nice art, slightly influenced by Moebius (Jean Giraud, the
French comic artist). The society is filled with many cybernetic androids,
some normal but many are abnormal or punk, both in terms of appearance and
mentality. All in all, the manga is a pretty and interesting mix of
pleasant art-style (that is NOT the manly style as in Hokuto no ken or
Saint Seiya) and gross fights. [PY]
---- Kitagawa Miyuki ----
^[$@$W$j$s (v11, OAVs) It's a story about a high school girl from a family
of judo experts. Her parents were killed in an accident and she was brought
up by her three brothers who are all judo experts. But she's still much
stronger than them. When Nonoka was 5 years old, some guy was picking on
her. A little boy (about her age) came and saved her. The boy also threw
the guy with a judo throw. But in saving Nonoka, this boy got cut in his
lower back. This boy was Nonoka's "prince" but Nonoka had no idea who he
was. In the first day of high school Nonoka meets this very handsome guy,
Shinobu, who sat next to her in her class. Shinobu hates judo for some
reason that Nonoka hasn't discovered yet. Also Nonoka meets a boy, Yuuya,
who is very good in judo. He wants to set up a judo team because the
school's team had been closed (because they were too weak). (For a shoujo
audience.) [HD]
---- Kitagawa Shou ^[$@$-$?$,$ofF^[(J ---- Kitagawa, as he describes
himself, is a very tall, muscular, dark skinned fellow, and yet he's a
major shoujo manga fan (and that caused him some embarrassing moments in
bookstores in his high school years). His art reflects the shoujo
influence, and yet his stories are tailored for men. [DM] He started
drawing manga at age 13.
Let's Be Teens! Teens Syouka! (v1F, Y600, Shuueisha)
Nineteen ^[$@%J%$%s%F%#!<%s^[(B (1988-1990, v12F, Y600, YJ, OAV covers
v1.1-5) Commenced when the artist was only 21 years old, and yet it shows
surprising maturity in both style and story. Most importantly, Kitagawa
captured the essence of the age bordering adolescence and adulthood. In a
sense, 19 is the GQ of manga. Our hero, Kazushi Kubota, will have his
heart broken three times (and his virginity intact) before he finds a
steady love, and that's just half of the story. The story can be very
light hearted, and then very depressing sometimes. The tone is, IMHO,
overall melancholic. Comparing with some other bland shonen stuffs that
are out there, 19 scores far above the field. [DM]
^[$@#B^[(J.^[$ (v6, Y600, YJ) More fantasy oriented, and it rivals other
YJ series in degree of H-ness. Unfortunately, BBF doesn't have a well
defined theme as Nineteen. It's trying to tell a love story, fantasy
story, sports story, and a mystery story all at the same time. Well,
doesn't stop me from buying it thou. :-) [DM] NB. This is NOT Banana
Cult Weekend (1992, all-color short story, Young Jump 30) Bondage and
---- Koike Kazuo ^[$@>.CS0lIW^[(B ---- Koike Kazuo is well-known manga
story writer (Gensaku-sha), not a manga artist (Manga-ka). [YK]
2 10 Te Monogatari ^[$@Fu==<jJ*8l^[(B
^[$@9H$$<G@8!J% (v6, Y550, art by ^[$@907s7{J8^[(B) I Katsuotoko boy
^[$@#I!&2nCK%\!<%$^[(B (v6, art by Igekami Ryouichi) Yokohama Homeros
^[$@3 Namidatama ^[$@N^CF^[(B (v8, Y460, art by ^[$@0K2lOBMN^[(B) Maggie's
Dog ^[$@%^%.!<!G#s!&8$^[(B
Y550, art by ^[$@ The Running Rabbit ^[$@EF$,Av$k^[(B (Y620, art by
^[$@907s7{;K^[(B) Late-night Theatre ^[$@?<Lk7`>l^[(B
(v9F, art by Seisaku Ka The Strange Tales of Nostradamus
^[$@%N%9%H%i%@%`%90&EA@ (v5F, art by Yamasaki ?)
Other works: Hanappe Bazooka, Offered, Renkan Nihon-shoki, Auction House,
Sweet Room, Crying Freeman
^[$@KbJ*8l^[(B, ^[$
---- Aihara Koji ---- A gag artist.
Manga Class that even Monkeys Can Draw Sarudemo Kakeru Manga Kyoushitsu
^[$B%5%k$G$b$+$1$kL!2h65<<!#^[(B (Shougakukan) A pretty good study of the
manga industry. The story is about two guys named Koji Aihara and Kentaroh
Takeguma (the artist and story writer of the actual manga) who set out on
an ambition to reach for the top in the manga business. [KM]
---- Kouga Yun ^[$@9b2O$f$s^[(B ---- Alice in Wonderland
A prince from Wonderland is about to decide who he shall marry. But, he
doesn't feel that he loves any of his bride-want-to-be. So he asked his
personal advisor, who is also a wizard, to let him go to the human world
and try his luck. The wizard agreed, but the prince has to go as a dog, he
can only turn back as a prince only twice while he was there and most of
all he cannot tell his name to the woman he wishes to get married with, or
otherwise he won't be able to marry her. The prince agreeed to the terms.
The wizard turned him into a puppy. The prince was picked up by Alice, a
girl who loves dogs, she has a lot of dogs in her house. The prince falls
in love with her. Later that night, he changed himself back to his human
shape while she was asleep. But, Alice woke up and asked who he was. The
dumb prince slipped his tongue and told her his name. So what happened
then is that he still bring her back to Wonderland. He planned to stay with
her even if they can not get married. Then the story goes on..... [LL]
You're My Only Shinin' Star (1991, v1F, Y500, Tairiku Shobou) An SF-Fantasy
story. About moon people, with big insect-like wings and human. At that
time, it's magic that rules. The main character Thomas is the greatest
magician on earth. At that time, women are the ones who are working and
they are the ones who protect the men. Humans had conquered the moon
already, and killed all the moon people, because the moon people have a
special power. The main female character is the last of the moon people.
Thomas is actually a moon-person as well, but no one knows about it. It
turns out that there is a guy within the heroine. It was a spell that
happened during the war between the moon people and earth, so now they
are actually two people in one. So Thomas has to show her that he really
loves her, even though she is actually a guy sometimes. [LL]
B-Type Union (Genki Special)
Genji ^[$@8;;a^[(B (v6?, Y490, Shinshokan) Very loosely based on the
famous historical epic.
Earthian ^[$@%"!<%7%"%s^[(B (v3?, Y490, Shinshokan) "Earthian" is the term
for people living on earth. This story is about "angels" from the planet
Eden, who have been inspecting Earthians for more than 5 billion years.
They are divided into 2 groups, "plus checkers" whose job is to find good
points about Earthians, and "minus checkers" whose job is to find bad
points about Earthians. They always go in pairs. If the bad points reach
10,000 (the score system is not important in the story and Kouga Yun did
not really explain it in detail), Earth will be destroyed by the Angels.
All the angels are white in colour, white hairs, white eyes and white
wings, except one who got black hair, black eyes and black wings. (Black
is considered to be a unlucky colour on Planet Eden.) His name is
Chihaya, and he is a plus checker. He went to earth with a minus checker
called Kagetsuya, and the story is about different people and events they
came accross on Earth. [CM]
Children are the Dwellers of Night Kodomo tachi wa yoru no Jyujin
^[$@;R6!$?$A$OLk$N=;?M^[(B (1990, v2F, Y500, Tairiku Shobou)
Flexible Sensation (?) There is a group of aliens whose spaceship has lain
crashed into earth for centuries. This group of alien is pretty weird.
Each individual is composed of two bodies, and a male one and a female
one. The male character was a descendant of the alien, without his
other half, he is like a normal human. Other aliens try to get him to
combine with her sister, so he can return to his alien form. [LL]
Other works: Ren-Ai (Akita Shouten), Yajyou Teikoku (Akita Shouten), Mind
Size, Safran Zero Beat, Rollar Kaiza (v2, Akita Shouten), Hungry Group/Kiga
Issoku (1992, LC Mystery).
---- Kuruma Shinichi ^[$BMhN14V^[(B ^[$Br?50l^[(B ---- aka. Aki Kyoma
^[$B=)^[(B ^[$B63K`^[(B ----
The Hunter of Darkness ^[$B0G<m;N^[(B (v1F, SC, influenced by Yumemakura
Baku novel) His debut, quite popular among SC readers. Led to Majinden,
his own manga.
Majinden ^[$BKb?MEA^[(B (?-1988, v4F, Shounen Captain, Battle Royal
Highschool/Shin-Majinden OAV) In the OAV, Riki Hyodo (school karate
champion) and Toshimitsu Yuki (lone swordsman) are possessed by a
sorcerer and a sprite queen from another dimension. They battle for
control of both worlds, as Zankan (a special agent from an orbiting space
station) attempts to stop them. This covers vol.1 of the manga, and is
fairly different. The manga eventually progresses to a battle in a
"virtual reality" Super Famicom world.
Demons Attack Company ^[$BKb=C7k<R^[(B (1992, Shounen Captain) Occult
cyberpunk. This title was started after he changed his name to Aki
Kyouma. [TK]
---- Kusakabe Akihiro ^[$@ApJI2ELf^[(B ----
^[$@@ (1990, v2, Y950, Yigen Comics) Mixture of short stories along the
same theme of demons. The manga is light and humorous (ie little gore in
its violence) and the boy always seems to get the girl :-) The stories
alternate between a fantasy world and here and now. [ME]
---- Kusunoki Kei ^[$@Fo7K^[(B ---- A pretty (!) and young manga-ka who
always draws horror stories. BTW, she is PRETTY, sure pretty enough to
compete with idol singers. :) [CM]
Headbutt Sleeping Beauty (v1?) "Buchikamashi" is a term use to describe the
action when one uses his forehead to hit others' chest or jaws. This is
about a girl who walks around when she sleeps, and this becaomes a
problem when she falls in love with a guy whose mother was abandoned by
his father because she was a sleepwalker! A comedy manga.
Onikirimaru/Demon Circle Cut (v1?, Shougakkan) Horror ghost story.
Yagami's fa (?-1990, v8F, Y390, Shougakkan, 3 OAVs) Yagami has a crush on
his own mother!!! :) Very funny story.
Kusunoki Kei Masterpieces ^[$@Fo7K7f:nC;JT=8^[(B (1990, v1F, Shougakkan)
Etcetera ^[$@#e#t#c!%!J%(%H%;%H%i!K^[(B (1991, v1F, Y1200)
^[$@%5!<%+ (1991, v1F)
Werewolf Grass Paper? Jinohkami Kusakame ^[$@?MO5Ap;f^[(B (1991, v1F,
Akuma de Rabucome ^[$@$"$/$^$G%i%V%3%a^[(B (1991, v1)
Buchi ka Mashiri ^[$@$V$A$+$^$7L2$jI1^[(B (1992, v1F)
Youma ^[$@MEKb^[(B (v2F, Shuueisha, 2 OAVs) Horror.
Our school was a battlefield Boku no gakkou wa senjou datta (v1F,
Strictly observe the weekly duty regulations Jyuuban kisoku genshu seyo
(v1F, Shishoukan)
Old Festival Inishie Matsuri (v1F, Shougakkan)
Ghost demon Onigokome (v1F, Shishoukan) Horror stories.
Prison/Hell Fire Hall Gokuendou (v1F, Shishoukan) Horror.
Kusunoki Theatre Kusunoki gekijou (?) Collections of short stories
including horror and comedy.
Metropolitan Roaring Ootokai ni Hoeru (1992, Asuka)
---- Manabe Johji ^[$@??Fi>y<#^[(B ---- Russian Crash (Large volume, no
volume #, FFC) Almost like Appleseed, with a little influence from
Capricorn ^[$@%+%W%j%3%s^[(B (v5F, Y490, Shinshokan) SF-Fantasy.
Other-dimensional planet tries to invade Earth. [YK]
Chro (v6, Y950, Comp) An action adventure set in a parallel universe that
resembles Japan in the Warring State Era. [TK]
Other works: The Key of Grasille, The Heaven Gods, Outlanders, Caravan Kid,
Dorakuun (v3), Bananpera, Battle Zone (1990, author?), Junk Party (1991).
---- Makigi (??) Kouji ^[$@4,Mh8y;N^[(B ---- Mikistori ^[$@%_%-%9%H%j^[(B
(1991, v4, Y500, Super Jump) Mikistori is an archaeologist who was
searching an Aztec tomb, but an abnormal virus turned him into a
reincarnation of an Aztec god. His wife was turned into a cripple, and he
works as a hitman so that he can pay for her operation.
Godsider (1988, v8F) The Green-eyes ^[$@%6!&%0%j!<%s%"%$%:^[(B (1990, v3F,
Warrior Gilfer (1992, v1F, Y900, Super Jump)
^[$ ---- Kimagure Orange Road ^[$@$-$^$0$l%*%l%s%8%m!<%I^[(B (v18F, v8F
hardback, SJ, movies+OAVs+TV series+Italian) Sesame Street (v3, Super
Jump*) Another love triangle: A ronin + his sister-in-law, a virgin widow +
a 17 high-school girl who likes him. [PY]
Other work: 'Graffiti' Matsumoto Izumi Short Story Collection
---- Matsumoto Leiji ^[$@>>K\Nm;N^[(B ---- I'm a man Otoko Oidon
^[$@CK$*$$$I$s^[(B (1971-73, Shonen Magazine)
Space Cruiser Yamato
^[$@ (v2?F, Akita Shoten)
Galaxy Express 999 Ginga Tetsudou 999 ^[$@6d2OE4F;^[(J999 (v10F, Y1200,
Space Pirate Captain Harlock
Captain Har (v2?F, Akita Shoten)
The Narrow Path Inside a Dream Moou no Hosomichi (?) The story is about the
author's dreams. In his dream he becomes another person (dressed like a
reporter), and he travels to mysterious places.
The Millenium Queen
^[$@@iG/=w2 (v2F, Y1200, Shougakukan)
^[$@%/%#! (1990, v2, Y1000)
Bright Red Book of Revelation Makkoo no Mokushiroku 9999 (1992, Big Comics)
This is a story supposed to take place in the contemporary world. Yuu, aged
28, doesn't care about money or women. One day he met a young woman, with a
scar on her face. Without knowing anything about her, he made a contract
with her to serve as a combat soldier of the Foreign Legion called CRIMSON
9999. [PY]
Other works: Adventures of a bee(1954), Kuroi Hanabira(1957), Denko Ozma,
Zero Pilot, Hard Metal (1990, v3)...
---- Mita Ryuusuke ---- Dragon Half (v4, Newtype, FFC) Mink is a young
dragon-half -- half human girl, half kaiser dragon -- in love with one of
the greatest dragon slayers, and pop idols: Dick Saucer. Together, with
the young boy Pia, and the pervert female elf Rufa, Mink searches for the
potion that will turn her fully human. She is also intent on
single-handedly destroying the Great Demon King. This is a very silly
manga, that often reverts to chan-form. The setting is a twisted sword and
sorcery world, and the story isn't exactly complex. But I find it to be
lots of fun. Also, at the August Komiket, there was one doujinshii
dedicated to this manga, showing that it does have a Japanese fan
following. [CH]
---- Miyashita Akira ----
^[$ (SJ, anime) Violent highschool fights.
---- Miyazaki Hayao ^[$@5\:j=Y86:n^[(B ---- The renowned director of anime
films. Anime-only credits include Future Boy Conan and Famous Detective
People of the Desert Sabakuno Tami (1969-1970, Shonen Shojo Shinbun, under
Akitsu Saburo pseudonym)
The Journey of Shuna (1983, Animage's June AM JUJU) An all-watercolor manga
which looks more like a miniature roman album than a manga; considered to
be a Nausicaa prototype by some. [EC]
Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind Kaze no Tani no Nausicaa
^[$@Iw$NC+$N%J%&%7%+^[(B (1984, v5, Animage*, movie+English+anime
comics/v4F+childrens' books)
The Age of Hydroplanes (??, three instalments in Model Grafix magazine)
This color short story was the original inspiration for the Porco Rosso
anime. [EC]
Other works: Castle Cagliostro (1981, anime comics), Laputa Castle in the
Sky (1986, anime comics/v4F), Tonari no Totoro (1988, anime comics), Kiki's
Delivery Service (1990, anime comics), Porco Rosso/Kurenai no Buta (1992,
anime comics/v4F).
---- Monkey Punch ^[$@%b%s%-!<!&%Q%s%A^[(B ---- Lupin III
^[$@%k%Q%s; (v4, Y1500, Cagliostro Castle movie+anime comics) The original
Monkey Punch short stories have been reprinted in 4 large soft-cover
volumes. I don't know how complete these collections are, but there may be
some confusion with them since there's a second re-printing with different
titles and covers, but apparently the same stories. The original Lupin
stories were more violent, and had more implied sex (and naked bodies) than
the current incarnation is. The artwork looks like something that came out
of the 1960's Mad magazines. [CH]
========================================================================= ·
Subject: rec.arts.manga: Manga Guide Part 2/2
Archive-name: manga/guide/part2
The rec.arts.manga Guide Part 2/2: N-Z Version 4.4
(February 1993)
^[$@1J0f^ ---- In his heyday, this veteran artist was responsible for
pushing the boundaries of good taste. Even today, he is extremely
productive (including reprints, 54 works were released between Jan 1990 and
Jan. 1992!). Most of his works contain strong doses of sex and violence.
Shameless School/Harenchi Gakuen (1968-1970, SJ) This title was publicly
burnt by some parents' groups. Devilman (1972, SJ, v5F deluxe, 2 OAVs)
Shin Devilman (1979, Shonen Magazine) The basic story is that after many
years, demons (Nagai calls them daemons) are awakening. Jiro Shutendo is
convinced by his best friend to participate in an occult ritual which
would allow the merging of a daemon with himself, giving him the powers
of a daemon but the mind of a human being. Various battles ensue as
daemons try to destroy mankind. [AN] Shin Devilman is the 'further
adventures' of Jiro Shutendo. Mazinger Z (1972, Shonen Magazine,
translated into 6 different languages+anime) Dororon Enma-kun (1973, SS)
Enma is the Buddhist judge of the underworld. Goldorak/ Atlas Ufo Robot
Grendizer (1975) Similar to Mazinger Z. Susa-no-Oh (1979, Shonen
Densetsu ^[$@ (1985, v7, Yamato comics [Kadokawa Shoten]) Cutey Honey
Champi Cutey is a girl android whose big ability is to change costumes
and with that, powers. She fights a whole series of super villianesses
lead by this one arch-villainess, who she fights at the end of the series
(does this sound familiar?). The manga is definitely violent, sexy, and
pretty outrageous in parts. The anime is toned down substantially. [GF]
Shuten Douji (1980?, v10?) It's about this baby who was brought to our
world by an oni (ogre). A childless couple, who happened to be praying at
a shrine for a child, takes the baby from the oni and adopts him. When
he grows up (high school), he begins to have doubs whether or not he is
human or oni. There always seems to be a mysterious force helping him
which appears to be an invisible oni. Anyway, soon a mysterious cult of
oni worshippers target him because they believe he is the incarnation of
Shuten Douji who, in their hiearchy of gods, is the lightbringer or
disrupter of darkness. Lots of battles, graphic violence, mysticism,
tying in with folklore, eventual time travel, dimensional travel, and
very interesting plot twists. [AN] Violence Jack
^[$@%P%$%*%l%s%9%8%c%C%/^[(B (1973-1977, Shonen Magazine, v31F Y390/v7F
Gouka'aizouban Y1100, OAV) New Violence Jack (1983, Manga Goraku, remake
of Violence Jack) A huge quake splits the Kanto Plain from the rest of
Japan. There is one hope for the innocent in this desolate plain... the
giant known as VIOLENCE JACK! Oni ^[$@54^[(B (1983) Hanappe Bazooka
^[$@2VJ?%P%:!<%+^[(B (v10F, YJ, OAV, story by Koike Kazuo) Hannape's life
is interrupted by two demons. One is this green cloaked male being with a
bazooka. The other is a female furry being with a tail, which projects
her magic. Among the things that occur is that Hannape is cursed with his
index finger resembling a sexual organ and any time it is pointed at a
female (humanoids at least), they become sexually aroused. As you might
guess, it gets fairly extreme. It is amazing that despite the fact that
he has not really changed his drawing style that much, he still manages
to convey a sense of sexual vouyerism. [NA] Mazin Saga
^[$@%^%8%s!&%5!<%,^[(B (v3, YJ 1991, Bears Club 1992-) Sequel to Mazinger
Z -- Mask takes over wearer, Earth is destroyed, Mars is invaded.
Kabushiki-gaisha Tokugawa Ieyasu (v5, Y600, Home Comics, story? by
Kessakushu Kaik (Y1400, Asahi Sonorama) Dinosaur Army Rescue Squad
^[$@62N5%"!<%_!<$*$?$9$1Bb^[(B (Y390, BMKC (Koudansha), art by Ishikawa
Corporation Tokuga
Comics, art Other works: Meakashi Borikichi (1967, Bokura Magazine),
^[$@LkF($220K\J^^[(B (1992, v1)
---- Nagano Mamoru ^[$@1JLn8n^[(B ---- Fool for the City (v1F) "Not
impressed." "It sorta sucks." Five Star Stories
^[$@%U%!%$%V%9%?!<J*8l^[(B (v4, Y900, Newtype) Grand interstellar empires
saga, with wars fought out with heavy mecha.
---- Nagano Noriko ^[$@1JLn$N$j$3^[(J ---- Nagano Noriko is a resident
manga artist for Animage and Shonen Captain. Her original, creative and
slightly twisted work has a cult following, and her mangas are hard to
Don't desert me Daisy ^[$B8+<N$F$J$$$G%G!<%8^[(B (1989-1990, v1-3F, Shounen
Captain) It's about this geek who's fallen in love with a beautiful girl.
But obviously she doesn't want to do anything with him. [HH]
God Save the Sugekoma-kun! (God Save The ^[$@$9$2$3$^$/$s^[(B!) (1991, v1
wide, Y530, YM Kaizokuban) A series of short stories centering on the
relationship between Sugekoma, a highschool otaku (complete with shirt
pocket full of pens and thick glasses), and his teacher, Matsuzawa. It's
a big send-up of all the H manga cliches, and there is a subplot
concerning the other students - Junko Fujieda, who can't stand perverts,
they make her violent; and Murata, a masochist who's infatuated with her.
Other works: Sci-Fi Motion (1988?, v1) Give me Tama-chan
^[$@#G#I#V#E!!#M#E$?$^$A$c$s^[(B (1990, v1-2F, Tokuma Shoten) Android Ann
^[$@$"$s%I%m%$%I%"%s^[(B (1992, v1, Comic Genki)
---- Nekobe Neko ^[$@G-It$M$3^[(B ---- A shoujou manga writer, who won the
2nd Nakayoshi New Writer award with the work "First Date". [CM]
Dokkin Time Trip (v1F, Kodansha)
Penguin detective team Penguin Tanteidan ^[$@%Z%s%.%sC5DeCD^[(B (v1F,
Warning, Goldfish! Kingyou Chuihou! ^[$@$-$s$.$gCm0UJs!*^[(B (v7,
Nakayoshi KC, TV+movie, anime comics/Y800/v4F+ movie anime comics/Y800/v1F)
This is a cute manga about highschool life. Chitose has to change to a
poorer school due to the death of her rich father. But the business of her
father had collapsed, and the only thing she got is a pink (!) goldfish
(that can fly). She met Wapiko, Shu and Aoi in her new school, but soon
knew that the poor school is too poor to continue its operation.
Accidentally, she got several billions of dollars left in the bank by her
father, and she re-built the poor school. The manga is full of funny cute
stuff. Animals walking around, and face changes from time to time. Very
funny, and popular in Japan.
---- Nobe Toshio ^[$@LnItMxM:^[(J ---- Nobe does draw the girls in a
pretty way, and some of the occasional H materials make me suspect we have
a former H artist that made it big. [CPK]
^[$@Lo@8$ (v11F)
The Legend of Myuu (v5F, Y850, ?) An ok fantasy adventure story, some H
toward the end. [CPK]
Nozomi Witches (v26, Y460, YJ, OAV+live action movie) Nozomi Witches used
to be the number one serial on YJ during its peak around 89-90. During
its beginning (vol. 1-5) it concentrated on this young, talent,
ex-actress high school girl who return from New Zealand, and she met her
next door neighbor Ryotaro. (The 15 year old male lead of this story.)
The next phase of this series is around vol 6-17, with the main emphasis
shifting from Nozomi to Ryotaro as he tries to qualify for the Seoul
Olympics. From vol. 18 on, is the current phase of this manga (which Nobe
called Book II), It's about Ryotaro's pro boxing life, and the parallel
life of his boxing friend/enemy/understander Yugo Fukuyama. At this
stage the
drama side of the story is almost non-existent, and there is really no
suspense between Nozomi and Ryotaro. Character designs also changed.
Other works: Watashi no Okita-kun (v20F), Rising
^[$@2. ---- Ogino has also done character design for the Coliseum(?) video
Peacock King Kujaku-Oh ^[$@9&?}2&^[(J (1986-1989, v17F, Y460, YJ,
novel+live action+video game+3 OAVs)
Peacock King Demon Hunt
Taimaseiden ^[ (1991-, v7, Y460, YJ) This is a sequel to Kujaku-Oh, which
brought a second occult boom to Japanese manga scene. Kujaku-Oh became more
of an Epic Occult Saga after a few volumes, but this sequel is back to the
"Demon Hunt" style that the original Kujaku-Oh was intended to be. (The
quality of art in the original and in Taimaseiden differs considerably.)
Kujaku is a buddhist monk who belongs to Ura-Kouya, a secret organization
within the Shingon Sect of Buddhism, sole purpose of which is to destroy
demons/monsters. Kujaku was born with the power of Kujaku-Myouou (Mayuri
Vidya-raja, also referred to as Lucifer in some occult books) which he uses
to fight the forces of evil. He's supposed to have lost his Kujaku-Oh power
when he and his twin sister (The Beast of 666) neutralized each other, but
he again used power of Kujaku-Oh in Vol.3 of Taimaseiden. The world of
Kujaku-oh is filled with religions, mythology, gods, demons, monsters,
powerful sorcerers/priests. If you like this kind of stuff, Kujaku-Oh will
fill all your needs. However, good knowledge of religion/mythology is
required for full enjoyment of this manga. [TK]
ALGO! (1990-1991, v3F, Y460, YJ) Cyberpunkish stuff, recommended to
hard-core Makoto fans only.
Mao ^[$B??5{^[(B (1990?, Jump 30*) Mao is the name Kuukai (The founder of
Shingon Sect and Kouyasan) used when he was young. Being enraged by the
corrupted nobles and society, Mao quits the college and becomes a rebel
(sort of Robin Hood type) but got captured by a general named Saknoueno
Tamuramaro. While being tortured, he's visted by a mysterious Bosatsu
(Boddhisattva) who gave a revelation regarding the "True Path." After the
encounter, Mao sets on a journey to find the one who can be his mentor.
The manga adds lots of Ogino's creative imaginations to the historical
facts. [TK]
---- Otomo Katsuhiro ^[$@BgM'9nMN^[(B ---- Drawing manga since 1973,
having also worked as an illustrator, TV commercial director, and character
designer & director. Anime credits include Genma Taisen/Harmaggeddon, Koji
Chushi Meirei/The Order to Stop Construction (in Meikyuu Monogatari/Manie
Manie), and Robot Carnival. [IS]
Highway Star (1979, Futabasha, short story compendium)
Sayonara Nippon (1982, v1F, Futabasha) The experiences of Japanese moving
to the US; one a judo teacher, the other a guitarist.
Urge for War aka. Hard On Kibun wa mo Senzo (1982, v2F, Action) Japanese in
fictional Sino-Soviet war. The work that brought fame to Otomo in Japan.
Children's Dream Domu (1983, v1F, Action) Little girl vs. evil, introverted
old man. A typical Otomo story, this was the first ever manga to win an SF
literature prize.
Akira (1984-Jul. 1990, v5U deluxe, YM, movie+English+French+anime
comics/v5F) In 2023, the teenage delinquent Kaneda rides the streets of
Neo-Tokyo. Kaneda's unstable friend, Tetsuo, is the subject of a secret
military experiment which continues the work of the Akira project -- a
project which accidentally started WWIII years before. Tetsuo's new
psychic powers lead to the revival of Akira, and Akira destroys Neo-Tokyo
in a moment of fury. While Tetsuo carves an empire out of the ensuing
chaos, his enemies -- Kaneda, other psychics, and the US military --
prepare to take him out. But Tetsuo's powers are increasing, and his
ability to control them is decreasing... AKIRA is a special phenomenon,
partly because of the huge success of the movie, and the popularity of
Western adaptations. However, Japanese readers lost interest towards the
end of the manga, and the original ~120 pages of ending will never be
republished. Vol.6, after being delayed for at least 2 1/2 years, is out
in March (with a different ending).
KABA (art book, 1989)
Her Memories... Kanojo no Omoide... ^[$@H`=w$NA[$$$G!D^[(B (1990,
Kodansha, short story compendium) Includes Fireball, Farewell to Weapons,
Planet Tako, and other short works.
The Legend of Mother Sarah Sarura ^[$@:;N.Me!J%5!<%i!K^[(B (1990, v2, YM*,
art by Takumi Nagayusu, English [eventually]) The Earth is rendered
uninhabitable by war, and the population flees to orbiting space stations.
Plans to make the Earth habitable again split the survivors into opposing
groups, and Sarah loses her children when there is an exodus back to Earth.
This manga is a story of Sarah's efforts to be reunited with her children.
The art is impressive and very polished, but the story is cheesy and
excessively grim.
World Apartment Horror ^[$@%o!<%k%I%"%Q!<%H%a%s%H%[%i!<^[(B (1991, v1F,
YM, live action movie) Yakuza vs. ethnic apartment residents.
ZeD (1991, v1F, Mr. Magazine, art by Tai Okada, Roujin Z movie) The
manufacturers of a hi-tech, fully-automated sickbed take an old man away
from his nurse, so that they can showcase their product; however, the
sickbed begins to run amok when they neglect the old man. An unusual and
thoughtful piece. The manga is pretty scrappy, but the OAV is a nice
piece of work (for which Otomo only did the mecha designs). Character
designs were by Eguchi Hisashi, the artist of "Age".
Other works: Highway Star (v1F, 1979, Futabasha)
---- Okazaki Takeshi ---- Like Hagiwara, Okazaki was an assistant of
Matsumoto Izumi. [TK] Art seems like "Hagiwara meets Asamiya meets CLAMP".
Elementaler (v2)
Explorer Woman Ray (v2, OAV)
(Natural) Karen-chan (Genki Special) Karen is 175cm tall. And she cries
easily. [HH]
---- Ouyama Rei ^[$@Bg;3Nh^[(B ---- A Midsummer Night's Snowwoman Manatsu
no Yoru no Yukionna ^[$@??2F$NLk$N%f%-%*%s%J^[(B (v4F, Y500, YM) Occult H
comedy. Yuki Onna is a beautiful but often malign nymph-like being of snow
appeared in folklores. But it's not the typical one who possessed Haruaki,
the descendant of powerful ghost hunter clan but also a psychic-impaired
sukebei university student. [YK]
^[$@1|^[ ---- Hen (v3, Y600, YJ) This is a very strange story. Suffice it
to say that Hen is a "different" type of manga about high school students
in love. [CH]
---- Sakura Momoko ^[$@$5$/$i$b$b$3^[(B ---- Chibi Maruko-Chan (v10, Y390,
Ribbon Mascot Comics (Shuueisha), 2 movies [1990,92]) Daily life of an
elementary school girl. Probably based on the author's childhood. [YK]
---- Saruwatari Tetsuya ^[$@1nEOE/Li^[(J ---- Described as manga's
"standardbearer of violence", featuring super-realistic art; stories are
often poorly-constructed excuses for his trademark scenes of extreme
violence. Saruwatari is a big fan of US and Hongkong action films. [IS]
Riki-Oh ^[$BNO2&^[(B (1987?-1990, v12F, YJ, story by ??, 2 OAVs+live
action movie) Saruwatari perfected his technique with this manga,
subtitled "VIOLENCE HERO".
The story is probably the best he's worked with; elements from Riki-Oh turn
up in all his later works. The live-action movie is somewhat nauseating,
and remains one of the few unclassified Hongkong films. Vol.12 has the
short story "N.Y. Dust", which was the prototype for The Hard.
Dogsoldier ^[$@%I%C%0%=%k%8%c!<^[(B (1987-1991, v12F, YJ, 1 OAV) Mostly
worthless Rambo-type stuff. Stories were episodic and topical; lots of
tidbits for military otakus.
The Hard ^[$@%6!&%O!<%I^[(B (1991, v6, BJ) M60-toting Kenji Hado, known as
"the Hard", pays his divorce bills by working in the US as a bounty
hunter. Masseria, a ruthless and ambitious mafia boss, targets his
family -- starting with the Hard's father-in-law, a Don in the NY mafia.
Hard's aim, while poor when sober, increases to 100% hit probability when
drunk! This is Saruwatari's best original work, with unusually
sympathetic characters, and spectacular violence.
Thrilling Violence BUN's Place/Tsukai Abare BUN-ya
^[$BDK2w$"$P$l%V%s20^[(B (1992, BJ Extra)
Jungle King (1992, Bears Club) About a Masai Warrior who comes to Japan.
^[$@%@%`%I^[(B (1992, v3U, Y460, YJ, concept by ??) In 2039, the ruthless
Tokyo Corporation turns the refugee Jin into a hyper-human with
incredible powers. Violent SF, with typically detailed art, but pretty
Other works: Soul (1985, v4F, out of print), Shinkahei ABI (1992, short
story, Jump 30, story by Sanyou Gorou)
---- Satomi Ikeda[?] ---- [??!] (v6+, Y390, Flower Comics) This story
progresses as a series of episodes about a young woman reporter for Tokyo's
"Weekly Big Mouth" magazine. The woman, Watase Noriko, starts the job in
issue #1. The premise of the stories are that she is assigned to some news
story usually, but then she gets involved with the characters involved and
it ends up with her trying to solve a mystery. It is a series of episodes
- events that happen in one episode will remain "happened" in later
episodes (for example, one of the main characters gets married), but the
individual episodes are also complete, wrapped up stories that can be fully
enjoyed by themselves. I really like this series for several reasons, but
perhaps what I like best about it is that it takes place in a real Tokyo.
The scenery is excellent - one might as well be looking at a photograph. It
shows what Tokyo really looks like. Similarly, the people in the stories
are quite realistic (okay, okay, forget the one "Indiana Jones" episode)
and the problems they encounter are things that really might happen. This
series is written for adults, so the subject matter tends to be things that
one encounters in the working world, and there are no furigana. [MC]
---- Sawada Hajime ---- Blood of Matools (v1, Y900, FFC) The manga is
currently being serialized in Dragon Magazine. I'm not exactly sure of the
storyline, although it does have a very heavy sword and sorcery element.
---- Sawada Sho ---- Suddenly, Let's Fly (ST Comics, Y800) Superstrange
High School (ST Comics, Y850)
---- Shibata Masahiro ^[$@<FED>;90^[(B ----
^[$@%/%i%@%k% (1990, v7, Y500, Young King Comics (^[$@!R>/G/2hJs<R!S^[(B))
In short, it's Sazan Eyes meets Urotsuki Doji. TK reads it for it's
exciting story, sophisticated artwork, and intriguing mysticisms; I, on the
other hand, a person in his early twenties, is about as drained as a 50
year old now. If other Shibata Masahiro mangas are of equal caliber, it
means yet another artist to worship. [DM]
Blue Sonnet (v1-19) I highly recommend Blue Sonnet to anyone who loves
great art, action (& violence), SF and complex plots. In a way, Blue
Sonnet is one of the ultimate psychic action manga. [TK]
Other works (most from Hana to Yume): Akai Kiba (v4F), Akai Kiba - The
Melody of Heart, Feather Touch Operation (v2F), Feather Touch Operation
I-III, Future City Baran, Green Blood (v2F), Harrier, Lorelai of
Stratosphere, Love Synchroid (v9F), Missing Islands, Sousabro Kenzan!,
Sousaburo Azami Hell, Stolen Honeymoon, Turnstile, Virgin Cruise, Psychic
Traveller (1990, v1F), Sledge (1990, v2), Dark World Doll Levi Door/
^[$@L=3&?M7A%l%t%#!&%I!<%k^[(B (1990, v1F), Burst (1992, v1F)
---- Shiina Takashi ^[$@DGL>9b;V^[(J ---- (Yuu) Shiina Hyakka-ten (v2, SS)
Ghost Sweeper Mikami
Daisak (v5, SS)
---- Shirato Sampei ^[$@GrEZ;0J?^[(B ---- [bib. by AP]
Kogarashi Kushi (1957), Ninja Bugeicho (1959-62,v17, anime), Kaze no
Ishinoru (1960), Sasuke (1961-67), Kamui-Den (1964-71, anime), Watari
(1965), Tsuri/La pesca (1967), Bachhus (1976), Kamui Gai Den
(1965-66,1982-87), Kamui Den II (1988-).
^[$ ---- (b. 1961?) ---- Shirow Masamune is a talented recluse who has
apparently still not "given up his day job". There is a noticeable
improvement in his work after he sacked his only assistant (in 1989?).
Black Magic M-66 (OAV, English) The manga is episodic, disjointed, and
rather pointless. It has little to do with the story in the OAV. The
artwork isn't all that great, either. [CH]
Dominion ^[$@%I%_%K%*%s^[(B (4 OAVs+English) A girl and her tank.
Appleseed ^[$@%"%C%W%k%7!<%I^[(B (Comic Gaia, OAV+English) The true
classic about the great ESWAT pair of Briareos and Deunan Knute. The
artwork is fantastic, and the character designs are very sensual. But,
the story takes a lot of work to follow. [CH]
Appleseed Databook ^[$@%"%C%W%k%7!<%I!&%G!<%?%V%C%/^[(B (art book, 1990,
Y880) Includes a timeline, organisations of Olympus, character details,
mecha designs, sketches, a substantial short story, and other goodies.
Exon Depot (Comic Gaia, color short story?)
Chukoukaku Orion (1991, v1F, Y950, Comic Gaia, English)
Ghost in the Shell Koukaku Kidoutai ^[$@963L5!F0Bb^[(B (1991, v1, Y1000,
YM Kaizokuban*) In the near future, a female cyborg cop leads the crack 9th
division, or the "Shell" mobile strike force to combat crime. To combat
the early release of pirate copy, Shirow had drawn some 36 additional color
pages; combined with the original color opening pages, there are 64
gorgeous color pages out of 348 pages in book #1. While Shirow's works are
known to be difficult to understand, this book doesn't offer the plot
twisting intrigue of Appleseed. Most of the difficulty for the reader
would come from the technical terms about mechanics, science, and
cyberspace. [DM]
Intron Depot ^[$@%$%s%H%m%s%G%]^[(B (1992, art book, Y2400) A lavish
coffee-table book which includes nearly all of Shirow's color work since
---- Sonoda Ken'ichi ^[$@1`ED7r0l^[(J ---- A prominent doujinshi artist,
rising to fame as character designer for various anime, notably Bubblegum
Crisis, Gall Force, and Riding Bean.
Sonoda Ken'ichi Early Works Compilation "Fuse Box" Sonoda Ken'ichi
Shukisakuhinshuu ^[$@1`ED7r0l=i4|:nIJ=8!V#F#u#s#e!!#B#O#X!W^[(B (1990,
Hakuyashabou, Y980)
Sonoda Ken'ichi Comic Selection ^[$@1`ED7r0l%3%_%C%/%;%l%/%7%g%s!J2>!K^[(B
(1991, B-Club Comic [Bandai], Y1500)
Gun Smith Cats (v2, Y500, Afternoon) Chicago, girls, guns, muscle cars,
bombs, what else do you want? This story focuses on Rally from Riding
Bean, with Bean making guest appearances. [DM] Sonoda might not be
able to get the buildings of Chicago correct, but we can tell great
attentions are paid to the details of characters, weapons, and cars.
Garden Party (art book) Includes BGC, lots of Gall Force, Riding Bean, GSC,
Otaku no Video, an interview, and annoated illustrations.
---- Tajima Shou ^[$@EDEg><1'^[(B ---- Madara
^[$ (v2, Y920, Kadokawa Shoten) What's this?
---- Takada Yuzo ^[$@9bEDM5;0^[(J ---- Character designer & director of
the Ban'noh anime.
Everyday's a Sunday Mainichi ga Nichiyoubi ^[$@KhF|$,F|MKF|^[(B (1987?,
v2F, OAV+anime comics/Y850/v1F) Policewoman Takashita Yumi, who when
necessary can muster great strength, and a carefree "professional" magician
(Ichidaiji To-ru) who practically has nothing to do other than walking
around (he is waiting for the World Master Magician to come back to accept
him as apprentice) In each story, that guy tries to explain a little bit
about tricks used in magic. Personally I don't like it really much. I don't
find it funny, that's it. The two characters seem to fool around without
particularly interesting things happening. [PY]
Toritsuki-kun ^[$@%H%j%D%-$/$s^[(B (v1F, Take Shobo (Amakusa Shiro)) You
need to know Japanese Mah-Jong rules to get anything out of this.
The All-purpose Cultural Cat Girl ^[$@K|G=J82=G-L<^[(B (3 OAVs) This manga
was running in a mag that was later on stopped, and so the story was
never finished. And because it was so short-lived, it doesn't even
compile into one single book. [HTH] The story concerns Akiko, the
president of a big military-industrial company, separated from her
engineer father and her son, Ryuunosuke. In one of Akiko's attempts to
get Ryuunosuke back, R's pet cat is shot - but its brain is transferred
to a prototype android, and thus the Cat Girl Nukunuku ("snuggles") is
born! [IS]
3x3 Eyes/Sazan Eyes (1987, v13, Y500, YM, 4 OAVs+video games+CDs+anime
Blue Seed (1992, Comic Gamma) Looks like horror/action, similar to 3x3.
^[$ ---- Oss!! Karate Club
^[$@2!G& (v28, YJ, Y460, 4 OAVs) An outrageous, funny and violent martial
arts manga, currently the longest runnning title in YJ. The hero is
17-year old Takagi Yoshiyuki, one-time captain of the karate club in the
toughest highschool in Kansai. He is forced to fight his way to the top of
local street gangs, the action escalating dramatically as he becomes Soul
of Osaka, Boss of Tokyo, and the toughest martial artist in all Japan. The
art is highly action- and comedy-oriented, with lots of popping veins,
bloodshot eyes, bared teeth, and goofy expressions. There is an abundance
of cliched dialogue, in-jokes, odd characters, and seemingly endless
fights. Strongly recommended to martial arts manga fans. [IS]
---- Takahashi Rumiko ^[$@9b66N1H~;R^[(J ----
^[$@$&$k@ (1979-1985, v34F, v15F wide/Y680, SS, TV [218 ep]+10 OAVs+ 6
movies+English "Lum") Ataru Moroboshi, the unluckiest boy in the world, is
randomly selected as Earth's champion to defeat an alien in a contest with
the world at stake. A complete lecher, he agrees when he finds the contest
is tag and the quarry is the beautiful demon princess Lum. After many
humiliating misses (no one told him Lum could fly), his long-suffering,
unnaturally-strong "girlfriend" Shinobu promises to marry him if he wins.
He does, and declares that he will be married, which the aliens take as a
proposal. So he ends up engaged to a jealous alien every boy desires,
while chasing every other girl in town, not to mention the galaxy. [TM]
Maison Ikkoku ^[$@$a$>$s0l9o^[(B (?-1987, v15F/Y500, v6 wide/Y1100, Big
Comic Spirits, TV [96 ep]+movie+ live action movie) Maison Ikkoku is
about the residents of an old boarding house, and the romantic
involvement between Godai, a perennial ronin, and Kyoko, the widowed
manager who hasn't let go of her late husband. [TM]
Mermaid's Forest/Ningyo no Mori ^[$@?M5{$N?9^[(B Mermaid's Wound/Ningyo no
Kizu ^[$@?M5{$N=}^[(B (1989, v2, Y1200, SS*, 1 OAV) The story of Youta, a
500 year old "young man", and Mana, a 17 year-old young girl. They both
ate the flesh of mermaid, which gave them immortality. (Volume 2 includes:
End of a dream/Yume no owari, The Promised Tomorrow/ Yakusoku no ashita,
Mermaid's wound/Ningyou no kizu)
Short Story Compilation (Shougakukan)
Rumick World ^[$@$k!<$_$C$/$o!<$k$I^[(B (v3, Y710, 3 OAVs) The OAVs from
this series include: Firetripper, about a girl who experiences timewarps
after an explosion; Warau Hyouteki (Laughing Target); and The Supergirl.
One Pound Gospel Ichi Pondo no Hukuin ^[$@#1%]%s%I$NJ!2;^[(B (1989, v2,
Y500, Young Sunday, OAV) Nun meets boxer.
Ranma 1/2 Ranma Nibunnoichi ^[$@$i$s$^#1!?#2^[(B (1987, v23, SS, TV series
[159 ep.]+2 movies+Nintendo, Super Famicom games+English) Ranma is a
martial artist whose training in China left him with a curse: he transforms
into female when splashed with cold water, and back to male when splashed
with hot. Other characters are similarly cursed (turning into pandas,
cats, etc). He is engaged to Akane, the youngest of three daughters, and
lives in her father's doujou (which he is supposed to inherit). Typical
Takahashi stuff with tons of romance, bizarre situations, slapstick, and
gender-bending. Vol.22 has been banned in Singapore. [IS]
SHORT STORIES: Kannon Slim (short story, shoujo) A girl secretly loves a
handsome guy (who is popular among girls), but is ashamed by her
non-slimness (not fatness!). She wants to go to a ball in a tight gown, so
she decides to go for an accelerated slimming course - Kunnon Slimming,
which takes place in a temple. The coach, surprise surprise, is a guy no
much older than the girl. [PY]
P's Tragedy (short story) About the problems of keeping pets in modern
apartments. The main character is a penguin.
How about a dog? (short story) About a guy who can turn into a dog under
some (forgot!) conditions, and his love affair with his classmate.
Where is Minako? (short story) About a girl searching for her mother.
The Happiness of Size L/L size no shiawase (short story) About a guardian
spirit which is very huge in size, and frightened the owner of the house
it guards. Cute design for the spirit.
Moon King?? (1992, short story, Oct.-Nov. Newtype)
---- Takeuchi Naoko ----
Sailor Mo (v2, Nakayoshi comics (Kodansha), TV anime+anime comics/v2) When
a cat named Luna gives a brooch to the ditzy blonde Usagi, Usagi finds that
she can transform into a superhero devoted to fighting the forces of
darkness. Her friends Ami, Rei, and Makoto are similarly transformed, with
powers derived from the kanji for their names, and costumes derived from
their sailor-suit school uniforms. While the manga is shoujo, the anime
(only loosely related) has many male fans. [from CS]
---- Tony Takezaki ^[$@%H%K!<$?$1$6$-^[(J ---- Takezaki's style is
detailed and realistic, with clear influences from Otomo and Umezu Kazuo.
A very versatile artist/writer, who has a strong sense of visual humor.
Makoto-chan (?) The work which made Takezaki famous. It's about a
kindergarten kid who does disgusting things. (Is this an Umezu Kazuo
Ariel (v8, Takezaki contributed to vol.2, based on novel+anime)
AD Police 25:00 (v1F, Y880, in English/Japanese, based on OAV) Various
stories inspired by the AD Police anime; there's some serious stories,
and some extremely flippant ones. Unravelling brains, hentai boomers,
it's all there. It reads left to right, and the wild translation is a
laugh. There's also a "comic" which takes the piss out of Bubblegum
Crisis and other anime.
AD Police Ultimate City ^[$@#A#D!P#O#L#I#C#E=*_aET;T^[(B (1990, v1F,
Y880, Bandai)
Dr. Kishiwada's Scientific Affection
Kagak (1992, v1 wide/Y560, Afternoon) The title is a pun on the Japanese
title of the "Dr. Strangelove" movie. The hero is Dr. Kishiwada, a
brilliant but demented scientist, who who creates bizarre mechs, battles
the forces of evil, or just stuffs around. There are dozens of parodies of
B-grade SF movies, shlocky TV and crappy movies, but essentially it's quite
original. Crazy, slick and very funny.
^[$@E ---- Things present in most manga (eg. dialogue, screen tone) are
usually absent in Tanaka Masashi's manga. Instead, the emphasis is on
extremely detailed, atmospheric art. There's always lots of action and
dark humor. [IS]
Flash ^[$@%U%i%C%7^[(B (1986-1990, v1/Y700, v2-3F/Y750, Morning) Flash is
a bandit from the wild west, seemingly impervious to harm. In the last
two volumes, the art is particularly good, and there's almost no
Unidentified Prince Object U.P.O ^[$@L$3NG'%W%j%s%9J*BN^[(B (1990, v1F,
Morning) A prince singlemindedly pursues his princess, ploughing through
Nazis, demons and medieval battlefields in the process.
Gon ^[$@%4%s^[(B (1992, v2 wide, Y530, Morning) A baby dinosaur causes
havoc throughout the animal kingdom. (This is a spinoff from Flash, with
no dialogue).
Other works: Samurai's Great Adventure ^[$B;xBgKA81^[(B (1991, v1F,
Afternoon) The Victoria Adventure ^[$BKA81%t%#%/%H%j%"9f^[(B (v1F, Y700,
---- Terasawa Buichi ---- Black Knight Cobra (v10, Y600, SJ, anime+English)
Gokuu Midnight Eye (anime+English) The two OAV's I've seen are pretty good,
but the manga translations from VIZ are rather dull. Gokuu is based on
the monkey king stories. He's a private detective, with a cyborg eye tied
into the world's computer networks, and an expanding explosive staff.
---- Tezuka Osamu ^[$@<jDM<#Cn^[(J ---- (?-1990) ---- Regarded as "the
father of manga", having developed many of the styles and formats that
characterise manga today. Tezuka was also a qualified doctor. Recent
editions of Tezuka's manga contain a substantial English synopsis (the
Kodansha reprints are the only editions listed here - the older versions,
previously from different publishers like Akita Shoten, can probably be
bought more cheaply.)
Tetsuwan Atom ^[$@E4OS%"%H%`^[(B (v18F, Y570, Koudansha, translated into 10
languages+anime+anime comics) Probably needs no introduction. Originally
a comic (with evolving styles) about a 100000hp robot in shape of a boy.
Made into a phenomenally successful TV series in the early 60s. English
version 'Astroboy' or 'Mighty Atom'. Remade into another TV series in
the 80s (forgot when). My favorite episodes are: 'Roboido', 'Robio &
Robiet', 'Shijo saidai no robot (Greatest robot ever)'. It even ran in
newspapers for a while. [SA]
Jungle Emperor ^[$@%8%c%s%0%kBgDk^[(B (v3F, Y520, Kodansha, TV anime) Story
of Leo the white lion. Blockbuster success as TV series in form of
'Jungle Taitei', 'Shin-Jungle Taitei' and 'Shin-Jungle Taitei, Susume
Leo'. Broadcast abroad as 'Kimba the white lion'. TV serialization
basically lost all the drama of the original, though. [SA]
^[$@%o%s%@!<%9%j!<^[(B (v3F, Y570, Kodansha, TV anime) Story of 3
intergalactic agents sent to earth to investigate whether the Earth
should be destroyed to save the galaxy from its barbaric ways. They
disguise themselves as a rabbit (Colonel Bokko), a duck (Lieutenant
Pukko) and a horse (Sergeant Nokko). [SA]
Big X (v4F, Y570, Kodansha, TV anime) The story of an heir to the secret
formula of the Nazi V4 project and his struggle against the Neo-Nazi
organization. The comic set I have doesn't have all the stories I
remember as a kid. I wonder if that means that some episodes were lost.
Vampire ^[$@%P%s%Q%$%d^[(B (v3F, Y570, Kodansha, TV anime) Actually about
Werewolves and werebeings. I don't remember the comic stories actually
finishing though. Heavily features Tezuka's two regular characters:
Manabe Rokuro (Rock) and Hige Oyaji. The TV series had both live action
and cel animation. [SA]
Dororo ^[$B$I$m$m^[(B (v4F, Y570, Kodansha, TV anime) An unborn child's
body is promised to a hundred monsters in exchange for power by a 16th
century noble. The child grows up and start killing off the monsters to
regain his missing body-parts (he is heavily prosthesized). Dororo is a
hanger-on child of a brigand. [SA]
A Knight with Ribbons ^[$@%j%\%s$N53;N^[(B (v3F, Y570, Kodansha, TV anime)
One of the few Tezuka Shoujo manga. The story is about this princess who
has to pretend she is a man to prevent succession problems. [SA]
Microid S ^[$@%_%/%m%$%I#S^[(B (v3F, Kodansha, TV anime) Small sized
humanoids with insect wings attempt to destroy humans or something like
that. [SA]
Triton of the Seas ^[$@B3$N%H%j%H%s^[(B (v4F, Y570, Kodansha, TV anime) The
manga wasn't all that popular, but the TV version became phenomenally
popular, especially among teenage female anime fans. The last of the
Triton tribe fights against the Poseidon tribe. [SA]
Ambassador Magma ^[$@%^%0%^Bg;H^[(B (v3F, Kodansha) Another short Tezuka
series. This was made into a TV live action monster series (kind of like
Ultraman) and was pretty popular. [SA]
Firebird ^[$B2P$ND;^[(B (1977-1980, v9?F, Y1100, Kadokawa Shoten,
movie+live action movie) Tezuka's most profound and ambitious work,
dealing with man's quest for immortality. Unfinished.
Black Jack ^[$B%V%i%C%/!&%8%!%C%/^[(B (v12?F, Y1000, Shounen Champion)
Medical Manga. Black Jack is an illegal but talented surgeon. He is in
conflict with the conservative medical establishment, for using radical
and supernatural techniques to combat rare afflictions. BTW, Tezuka Osamu
is a qualified doctor.
Seven-coloured Parakeet ^[$@<7?'$$$s$3^[(J (v5?F, Y1000, Akita Shoten)
Depths of the Atmosphere ^[$@6u5$$NDl^[(J (Y1000, Akita Shoten)
Adolf ni Tsugu (v5F) "This is a story about three men named Adolf. Although
each led different lives, they were tied to one another by a single
string called destiny. Now that the last Adolf has died, I would like
leave this story to our sons. My name is Souhei Touge..... the main
supporting role and narrator of this story...."
Other works: Apollo's Song, Norman, Buddha, Tiger Books, Fire Mountain, SF
Mix, Number 7 (v3, Shuueisha), Flying Ben (v2, Shuueisha), Ookami Nante
Kowakunai!! (short story collection, Shuueisha), Crime & Punishment (story
by Dostoevsky, in English/Japanese)
---- Togami Yoshihisa ^[$@$?$,$_$h$7$R$5^[(B ---- Pepper (v1F hardback,
ISBN4-253-10232-8 C0079 P1800E) A US Western story.
Fighter (V5, Jet comics) A boxing story.
Karuizawa Syndrome ^[$@7Z0fBt%7%s%I%m!<%`^[(B (v5, SuperVisual Comics)
Nervous Breakdown (v5, Nora Comics) Andou, a very weak guy, throws up every
time, but sharp as razor forms a detective company - with him as the
president. His office has five people, including a former police
detective in his 50s; Miwa (airheaded but strong); and another very rich
woman, who loves Andou (like Miwa). Mostly, they are short stories, with
the only continuity being the women fighting over Andou. [HH]
Other work: Zashiki Warashi (1978), Horobi (English), Grey (OAV, English).
---- Togashi Yoshihiro ^[$@IZ3_5AGn^[(B ---- That All-Evil Cupid
^[$ (v4F, Y390, Shuueisha)
I'm Not Afraid of the Wolf!! Ookami Nante Kowakunai!! (Short story
collection, Shuueisha)
Report of Playful Ghost Yuu-Yuu Hakusho ^[$@M)!yM7!yGr=q^[(B (v10, SJ)
Occult action comedy. The Worst Kind of bad boy, Urameshi Yuusuke, died
when he accidentally saved a child. But his death was so unpredictable that
even the Judge of the Deads can't decide whether he must go heaven or hell.
He had to carry out a quest to decide his destiny. Or to return to life
^[$@ ---- His manga, aimed at children, are extremely popular. He did
graphic design work for the Dragon Quest video game, which was later
animated. A Dragon Quest manga based on the game appeared, with art by
Inada Kouji and story by Sanjou Riku; this was also made into an anime.
Toriyama has nothing to do with the DragonQuest manga. He also worked on
two anime in 1990 (incl. Pink).
^[$@%I%/%?!<%9 (1980, v18, SJ, TV series) A series of strange stories
(sometimes building on each other) about a silly mad inventor, and his
young-girl robot, Arare. Lots of puns, toilet humor, and sex jokes.
[CH] It was extremely popular in Japan, and brought him into prominence.
The decision to animate Dr. Slump was taken 5 weeks after the manga
started, setting a new record.
Sakugeki Jou (1983, v2, Y370) A work that came out after Dr. Slump had
started, but before Dragon Ball. Shows exactly the same kind of twisted
bathroom humor as Dr. Slump, but with some of the combat sequences that
appeared later in Dragon Ball. Has many of the same character designs,
but with a slightly different story line.
Dragon Ball (1985-, v32, Y390, SJ, Spanish+Catalan+TV series+"Dragonball Z"
TV series+ movies) An RPG arcade game-style series with Son Goku
searching out the location of the seven powerful Dragon Balls. When they
are brought together, the balls will grant the possessor one wish. Lots
of toilet and sexual humor. Very silly, but lots of fun. This series
also metamorphed into Dragon Ball Z, which has the same manga name as the
original. Most of the character designs are based on those in Dr.
Slump. [CH]
Toriyama Akira ?? (an art book, probably ~1989)
Toriyama Akira's ()-piece Theatre
Maru-saku (short story collection - v2F, Shuueisha, 2 OVAs)
Toriyama Akira's Unskillful Manga Laboratory Toriyama Akira no Hetappi
Mangakenkyuu-jo ^[$BD;;3L@$N2<<!$C$TL!2h8&5f^[(B (Shuueisha) A "how to
draw manga" instruction book.
Dabu and Peter One (1992, Virtual Jump)
Idol Star ^[$@ (v8, SS) About a pair of popular idol singers, but one is a
guy in disguise. [TM]
---- U-jin ^[$@M7?M^[(B ---- ("playing person") ---- A reasonably
well-known H artist, whose high-quality art makes him stand out from the
others. Maybe does some covers for Erotopia manga. [I'm going to d't
someone else write this?! -IS]
life-drawing & Str Oishinbo Papa ^[$@H~L#$s$\%Q%Q^[(B (v5, Y580) Infinity
^[$@%$%s%U%#%K%F%#^[(B (v1, Y580) Juliet (v2, Y500, Young Sunday)
---- Urasawa Naoki ^[$@1:BtD><y^[(J ---- Most of Naoki's characters are
reused in each new series. But, he has a truly great mastery of comic
expression, and serious tension building. [CH]
Pineapple Army (v10) An ex-military man trains others to defend themselves,
on the condition that he never gets involved himself. But he always
does, anyway. The stories always have a nice twist to the plot, are
well-written, and have great artwork. [CH]
Yawara! (v24, Big Comic Spirits, TV series+movie+live action movie) Judo
romance comedy. A Judo champion girl who wants to have fun just like
other girls, and her strict grandfather who wants her to triumph in Judo
tournaments. [PY]
Master Keaton ^[$@#M#A#S#T#E#R!!%-!<%H%s^[(B (v11, Big Comic Original,
story by Katsushika Hokusei) Well, the main character is this guy who's
half Japanese, half English. He's a lecturer at a university, and is an
archaeologist... but then again, he works as an operative/detective for
Lloyds of London. He used to be in the SAS and is a veteran of the
Falklands War, and was one of the members of the Iran Embassy incident...
it's Indy J. + Pineapple Army + some other things divided by 3. If you
liked Pineapple Army, you'd like it. [KM]
Other works: Dancing Policeman (v1F), NASA/Nippon Amateur Space Association
---- Ueshiba Reach ^[$@?"<GM}0l^[(J ---- Discommunication
^[$@%G%#%9%3%_%e%K%1!<%7%g%s^[(J (1992, v1, Afternoon) An ordinary
schoolgirl, and a strange guy who performs magic rituals.
---- Umezu Kazuo ^[$@!NG`?^$+$:$*!O^[(B ---- A very famous horror artist,
whose art is crude and extremely disturbing. [IS]
Album of Darkness ^[$@0G$N%"%k%P%`^[(B (1990, Y390)
14 Years Old 14 Sai ^[$@#1#4:P^[(B (1990, v9, Big Comics Spirits) In the
near future, the world is bleak and heavily industrialised. One day, a
scientist finds that a lump of chicken meat (in an experimental vat) is
becoming sentient. The lump eventually grows into Chicken George, who
seeks revenge on humanity for their mistreatment of animals. But he falls
in love with a human girl.
(v2F, Y7 <1992> ^[$@62I]^[(B
^[$@OBE ---- Does action manga often with women as the main characters.
Intended for a shoujo audience. [NA]
Sukeban Deka ^[$@%9%1%P%s7:;v^[(B (v21?F, Hana to Yume, live action+OVA)
Mainly about an agent named Asamiya Saki fighting various evil
organizations. She uses a yo-yo as a weapon and a symbol. The one OVA is
supposed to be more closely tied to the original premise. [NA]
Be Afraid of the Revival Kyoufu no Fukatsu ^[$@62I]$NI|3h^[(J
Silver-haired Akisatosa ^[$B6d?'$NH1$N0!N$:;^[(B
Mystery Thief Amaririsu Kaito Amaririsu ^[$@2xEp%"%^%j%j%9^[(J (v3, Hana
to Yume) Amaririsu is a super thief, whose real name is Shizaki Nana (a
high school student). Nana wears a wig in her non-thief identity. She can
disguise herself, is extremely athletic, highly skilled, and a
determination to always end up on top. The stories are about her life and
adventures. Her mother is Shizaki Yukino, a retired thief who went by the
title Kaito Narushisu. Another character named Sugar is an
inventor/technician/helper who makes sure Nana has the equipment she needs
to succeed. In vol.3, there is a change in direction of the story (which is
spoofed by the artist/author in the title frames), in which Nana gets a job
as an idol singer with the title Flower Dream Nana (she has a trick wand
^[$@H ---- Leave it to the couple Futari ni Omakase (v1-6F)
Dear Boys (v7, Shounen Magazine monthly) Basketball.
---- Yamamoto Naoki ^[$@;3K\D><y^[(B ---- aka. Touyama Mori, ---- aka.
Moriyama Tou ---- He used to be known as the character designer for some of
the Cream Lemon series. The aliases are for his H manga.
Blue (1991, short story collection) Declared harmful to minors.
Assate Dance ^[$@$"$5$C$F#D#a#n#c#e^[(J (v7F, Big Comic Spirits)
We're Not Alone (1992, v1, Big Comic Spirits)
Happa 64 (?) Something about this twin girls fall for the same guy. Lots
of close calls (sex) and one of them eventually went to bed with him.
---- Yasuhiko Yoshikazu ---- Yasuhiko also did a lot of character design
for anime such as Gundam, Crusher Joe, Kaze to ki no shi/The poems of wind
and wood (shoujo).
Namuji Venus Wars (v4F, Y500, Nora Comics) Arion (v5F, Y450, Animage
Comics, anime comics/v2F) C-Court (v1, Y390, Shounen Captain) Kurd no
Hoshi/The Star of the Kurds (v3F, Y390, Shounen Captain) Anton (?)
---- Yokoyama Mitsuteru ^[$B2#;38w51^[(B ---- A prolific writer in the
60's and contemporary of Tezuka. His early works are visibly (IMHO)
inferior to Tezuka's works of the times, though he did improve a lot. [SA]
Tetsujin #28 ^[$BE4?M^[(B28^[$B9f^[(B (v10F, Y380, Akita Shoten, TV anime)
A popular series about the same time as the Tetsuwan atom (early 60s).
Decidedly inferior drawing. Still, the pioneer of the controllable giant
robot class. Made into a B&W TV series, and later spawned off a remake/
continuation TV series. Black Ox rules! This manga decidedly made
Yokoyama into a big name.
Iga no Kagemaru ^[$B0K2l$N1F4]^[(B (v15F, Y380, Akita Shoten) One of the
original ninja series. Slightly better drawing quality. I don't think
this one made it to TV though. Unlike Shirato Sampei's stuff, this
series is definitely manga-like rather than gekiga like. The story is
basically about a group of ninjas who are in the shogun's employ and they
fight other ninjas who are working for rebellious factions.
Kamen no ninja Akakage ^[$B2>LL$NG&<T@V1F^[(B (1960s, v3F, Y380, Shonen
Sunday [Akita Shoten], live action TV+anime) Improved drawing quality
from about this time. Similar generic theme to the above, except the
Akakage (red shadow) was a hida-ninja and worked for Toyotomi hideyoshi.
Most of the stories are of multiple member ninja groups fighting each
other (and most of them die). Made into a live action TV series around
the same time (kind of stupid with lots of monsters, but I liked it).
Remade into an anime in the late 80s.
Giant Robo (late 60s, v2?, live action TV+anime) Protracted series that was
finished before it got interesting. Basically an espionage story
concerning the BF group who made 3 giant robots GR1, 2 and 3 which were
supposed to be unbeatable in land, water, air respectively. They lose GR1
and story gets complex after that. Made into a live action TV series
'Susume Gianto Robo' which was silly. Now being remade into an anime OAV
with more original style story and characters.
^[$@%P%S%k#2 (v11F, Y380, Akita Shoten, TV anime) This went on forever!
Battle between Yomi and Babel ni-sei, the latter being a student plucked
from his home and trained to be the master of the tower of babylon (Babel
no toh). Lots of paranormal powers and in this sense a pioneer of genres
such as Locke the superman.
---- Yuuki Masami ^[$@$f$&$-$^$5$_^[(B ---- Before appearing on Shounen
Sunday with Kyuukyoku Choujin R, he was known as an anime-parody manga
artist. [YK] He is a well-known Tomino otaku and most parodies he did
were on Gundam and other Tomino works. [TK]
Assemble Insert (2 OAVs) A truly inspired parody of the super-powered crime
fighter. Most of the character designs are caracatures, with a noticible
absence of noses. Also has many in-jokes, and constant references to
itself as anime. The hero is a 14 (or so) year-old girl with super
strength, who has been enlisted by the police force to fight crime, and
help boost their TV ratings. Unfortunately, she can't sing or dance.
The Ultimate Superman R Kyuukyoku Choujin R ^[$@5f6KD6?M$"!A$k^[(B (v9F,
Y680, SS, OAV) New student "R Tanaka Ichirou" is an android who always
wears wooden slippers. [PY] The first major work of Yuuki Masami. Due to
high content of in-jokes, this manga might be hard to understand for fans
but for those who has grown up with manga, anime and live-action stuff,
this is a manga that you wouldn't wanna miss. [TK]
Mobile Police Patlabor Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor
^[$@5!F07Y;!%Q%H%l%$%P!<^[(B (v16, Y390, SS) With the rapidly accelerating
development of hyper-technology, a humanoid-type machine called "LABOR" is
being used in every field of industry. However, it has created the new
social menace of "LABOR" crime. In order to curb such crimes from happening
one after another, the Metropolitan Police Department has established a
special department, the "Special Vehicle Section No.2". It consists of a
company of patrol "LABOR" known as PATLABOR. Compared to the anime, the
manga version focuses more on character development and jokes are more
subtle. Manga also deals with many social, political and enviromental
issues in depth. [TK]
Other works: Magical Lucy, Yamatotakeru no Bouken, Tetsuwan Birdy
Manga Magazines
Publishers: Akita Shoten ^[$@!R=)ED=qE9!S^[(J Futabasha
^[$@!RAPMU<R!S^[(J Gakken ^[$@!R3X=,8&5f<R!S^[(J
^[$@!R3 Koudansha ^[$@!R9VCL<R!S^[(J
Shougakkan ^[$@!R>.3X4[!S^[(J Shuueisha ^[$@!R=81Q<R!S^[(J
Tokuma Shoten ^[$@!RFA4V=qE9!S^[(J
Target Readers: Female
Male a. Shoujo <6th grade a. for kids <4th
grade b. Shoujo >7th grade b. Shounen >5th
grade c. Lady's Comic c. Seinen >10th
grade d. Mystery d. Business e. for
manga fans e. for manga fans f. H g. Gekiga
(3rd class) h. four-frame i. other interests Release Date: A
Biweekly B Bimonthly C Quarterly D Yearly E Irregular
- Price includes 3% of Japanese consumption tax. - Some mags often
have special price (increased by 10 yen) due to the extra pages. -
Name of Editors are different from that of distributors in some
cases. - #issue indicates numbers of copies published, divided by
10,000. - Some mags are returned to publishers in most cases, so
the circulation numbers don't necessarily mean the exact
popularity. - ex. in the title means "zoukan", extra issue.
REFERENCE: Magazines/Newspapers All Catalogue '92, Media Research
Name (since) Publisher Price Date #issue
AC Labien (89) Kasakura Shuppan390 16th 15 Fc
Action Pizazz (91) Futabasha 250 A Wed 30 Mc
Ami Jour (86) Futabasha 350 26th 35 Fc
Aniparo Comics (85) Minori Shobou 530 B 4th 16 Fe
Apple Mystery (91) Ohzora Shuppan 570 24th 25 Fd
ASCII Comic (92) ASCII 500 18th Me
Asuka (85) Kadokawa Shoten 350 24th 20 Fb
Attohteki (88) Kousai Shobou 520 7th 3 Mf
Bears Club (88) Shuueisha 370 25th 50 Mc
Be Love (80) Koudansha 280 1, 15th 35 Fc
Be Love Bridal (89) Koudansha 380 E 25 Fc
Be Love Pair (86) Koudansha 280 8th 35 Fc
Be Love Parfait (87) Koudansha 400 26th 35 Fc
Be Love Pine (90) Koudansha 390 E 20 Fc
Bessatsu Friend (65) Koudansha 280 13th 50 Fb
Bessatsu Margaret (65) Shuueisha 280 13th 130 Fb
Bessatsu Princess (90) Akita Shoten 530 C 45 Fb
Bessatsu Shoujo Comic (70) Shougakkan 280 13th 60 Fb
Big Comic (68) Shougakkan 220 10, 25th150 Md
Big Comic Original (72) Shougakkan 220 5, 20th 150 Md
Big Comic Spirits (80) Shougakkan 220 Mon 180 Mc
Big Comic Superior (87) Shougakkan 220 1, 15th 70 Md
Big Gold (92) Shougakkan 680 28th Md
Bouquet (78) Shuueisha 370 26th 40 Fb
Bonita (81) Akita Shoten 380 24th 40 Fb
Bonita Eve (83) Akita Shoten 290 16th 40 Fc
Bonton (91) Shufu to Seikatsu sha 340 8th 30 Fc
Business Jump (85) Shuueisha 220 1, 15th 82 Md
Candy Time (89) Fujimi Shuppan 320 11th 18 Mf
Chao (77) Shougakkan 390 3rd 40 Fa
Collet (85) Akita Shoten 280 24th 40 Fc
Collet Mystery (86) Akita Shoten 370 B 8th 25 Fd
Collet Pure (87) Akita Shoten 270 B 6th 25 Fc
Combat Comic (84) Nihon Shuppansha620 29th 8 Mi
Comic Affair (91) Eichi Shuppan 390 E 15 Fc
Comic Afternoon (87) Koudansha 430 25th 35 Mc
Comic Amour (90) Sun Shuppan 350 30th 35 Fc
Comic Aya (87) Ohzora Shuppan 390 8th 50 Fc
Comic Be! (86) Koubunsha 260 3rd 20 Mc
Comic Bonbon (90) Koudansha 380 15th 80 Ma
Comic Boy (86) Nihon Shuppansha380 4th 15 Mg
Comic Burger (86) Schola 220 A Tue 45 Mc
Comic Cocktail (90) Heiwa Shuppan 350 12th 6 Mg
Comic Gamma Take Shobou 550 C Me
Comic Comp (88) Kadokawa Shoten 390 26th 30 Me
Comic Corsage (91) Studio Ship 520 C 17th 7 Fc
Comic Gaia Seishinsha 560 Comic Genki (91)
Kadokawa Shoten 490 B 28th 10 Me Comic Hi (85)
Ohzora Shuppan 330 24th 50 Fc Comic Hi Mystery (90)
Ohzora Shuppan 430 B 6th 40 Fd Comic Iris (86)
Tatsumi Shuppan 350 24th 30 Fc Comic Jumbo (88)
Touen Shobou 320 6th 20 Mf Comic Jungle (91)
Wani Books 250 17th 40 Mc Comic May (84)
Shounen Gahousha280 3rd 45 Fc Comic New Man (92)
Gakken 250 22nd 35 Md Comic Nora (86)
Gakken 480 26th 15 Me Comic Scandal (91)
Ohzora Shuppan 420 19th 40 Fc Comic Self (76)
Byakuya Shobou 390 24th 8 Mg Comic Shan Shufu to
Seikatsu sha 290 8th Fc Comic Shoot (89)
Studio Ship 280 24th 35 Mg Comic Tom (80)
Ushio Shuppansha400 14th 15 Me Comic Topper (91)
Eichi Shuppan 350 18 Mg Comic Val (85)
Koubunsha 280 24th 35 Fc Cute (85)
WaniMagazine sha260 26th 32 Fc Deluxe Bonbon (90)
Koudansha 380 30th 30 Ma Deluxe Margaret (67)
Shuueisha 350 B 28th 60 Fb Dengeki Comic GAO
Shufu no Tomo sha 26th 30 Me Desir (85)
Akita Shoten 260 13th 35 Fc Desire Ai (90)
Akita Shoten 330 E 20 Fc Elegance Eve (83)
Akita Shoten 270 26th 45 Fc Eve Special for Mrs. (86)
Akita Shoten 380 B 30th 35 Fc Feel (86)
Shoudensha 280 24th 30 Fc Feel Young (91)
Shoudensha 280 8th 25 Fc Forte (90)
Akita Shoten 350 B 35 Fc Furiten kun
Take Shobou 260 B 26th 54 Mh Fushigi Mystery (91)
Akita Shoten 480 B 30 Fd Gakuen Mystery (90)
Akita Shoten 470 B 30 Fd Garo (64)
Seirindou 440 1st 2 Me Gekiga Command (86)
Seven Shinsha 380 2nd 7 Mg Gekiga Etsuraku gou (75)
Sun Shuppan 350 22nd 12 Mg Gekiga Jump (73)
Sun Shuppan 350 22nd 12 Mg Gekiga Pachinko Club (90)
Kasakura Shuppan280 9th 15 Mg Gekiga Special (77)
Million Shuppan 310 22nd 10 Mg Gekiga Yarou (78)
Million Shuppan 310 8th 8 Mg Golf Comic (84)
Akita Shoten 280 1st 25 Mi Good Comic (80)
Shounen Gahousha260 27th 15 Mg Grand Champion (92)
Akita Shoten 230 A Tue Mc Guts Comic (77)
Tokuma Shoten 280 26th 20 Mc Halloween (86)
Asahi Sonorama 420 13th 30 Fd Hanaichimomme (90)
Mediax 320 18 Mf Hana to Yume (74)
Hakusensha 250 5, 20th 45 Fb Hana to Yume ex. (77)
Hakusensha 390 B 10th 20 Fb Hana to Yume Planet ex. (89)
Hakusensha 560 C 9th 12 Fb Hime (89)
Schola 300 16th 40 Fc Hime Special (91)
Schola 380 30th 40 Fc Hitomi CC Mystery (86)
Akita Shoten 470 E 30 Fd Holiday Comic (85)
Million Shuppan 310 11th 12 Mg Honto ni Atta Kowai Hanashi
(91)Asahi Sonorama 380 B 24th 30 Fd Hot Milk (86)
Byakuya Shobou 500 3rd 9 Mf Izumi Comic (84)
Issuisha 830 E 2 Mf Jackpot (86)
Leed sha 260 A Fri 30 Mg Jour (85)
Futabasha 280 8th 50 Fc Judy (85)
Shougakkan 290 24th 40 Fc Juliet (84)
Koudansha 370 B 28th 25 Fb Karen (92)
Fusousha 320 3rd Fc Kid's (88)
Fusion Product 500 19th 10 Fe Kindai Mah-jong ex. (79)
Take Shobou 260 1st 32 Mg Kindai Mah-jong Gold (87)
Take Shobou 260 23rd 23 Mg Kindai Mah-jong Original (77)
Take Shobou 260 13th 31 Mg Kiss (92)
Koudansha 300 16th 25 Fc Korokoro Comic (77)
Shougakkan 380 15th 140 Ma Korokoro Comic ex. (81)
Shougakkan 350 B 30th 40 Ma Labien (88)
Kasakura Shuppan360 13th 20 Fd La Comic (85)
Kasakura Shuppan380 29th 25 Fd Lala (76)
Hakusensha 350 24th 38 Fb Lala DX (83)
Hakusensha 400 C 1 Fb Leed Comic (71)
Leed sha 230 A Mon 51 Mg Lemon People (82)
Amatoria sha 580 28th 12 Mf Little Boy (87)
Fusion Product 500 C 3 Fe Loving (86)
Houbunsha 260 28th 35 Fc Magazine Special (89)
Koudansha 350 D Feb Mb Mah-jong Goraku (85)
Nihon Bungeisha 300 27th 20 Mg Manga Action (67)
Futabasha 230 Tue 85 Mg Manga Action Land (88)
Futabasha 220 14th 35 Mh Manga Bon (69)
Daitosha 280 25th 25 Mg Manga Club (86)
Take Shobou 260 4th 26 Mh Manga dai Etsuraku gou (76)
Kasakura Shuppan350 15th 8 Mg Manga Dynamite (75)
Tatsumi Shuppan 320 22nd 18 Mg Manga Erotica (73)
Amical 340 5th 5 Mg Manga Erotist
Tokyo Sanseisha 330 24th 12 Mg Manga Erotolove (79)
Souryusha 360 3rd 15 Mg Manga Erotopia (73)
WaniMagazine sha260 11th 35 Mg Manga Excite gou (75)
Amical 340 5th 6 Mg Manga Goraku (64)
Nihon Bungeisha 240 Fri 38 Mg Manga Goraku ex. (81)
Nihon Bungeisha 260 A Wed 24 Mg Manga Heim (91)
Tokuma Shoten 260 26th 18 Mh Manga Home (87)
Houbunsha 210 3rd 25 Mh Manga House (88)
Issuisha 250 3rd 15 Mh Manga Idol (75)
Tatsumi Shuppan 360 6th 12 Mg Manga Lawrence (83)
Sougou Tosho 360 28th 31 Mg Manga Life (81)
Take Shobou 240 17th 31 Mh Manga Life Original (88)
Take Shobou 240 11th 26 Mh Manga Love Punch (81)
Nihon Shuppansha330 23rd 18 Mg Manga Love to Mania (84)
Souryusha 360 5th 12 Mg Manga Love Touch (83)
Sanwa Shuppan 420 8th 4 Mg Manga Olympia (77)
Tatsumi Shuppan 360 24th 16 Mg Manga Pachinker (90)
Byakuya Shobou 260 17th 30 Mi Manga Paroyakyuu News (91)
Take Shobou 260 19th 24 Mi Manga Pink Time (83)
Sanwa Shuppan 310 27th 6 Mg Manga Plaza (76)
Souryusha 320 8th 25 Mg Manga Show Room (82)
Shounen Gahousha230 21st 30 Mh Manga Show Up (82)
Ichibankan Shobou 250 11th 20 Mh
Manga Sports (85) Houbunsha 230 13th 25 Mi
Manga Strong (78) Kasakura shuppan380 13th 6 Mg
Manga Sunday (59) Jitsugyou no Nippon sha 240 Tue 40 Mg
Manga Super Eros (84) Tsukasa Shobou 350 21st 6 Mg
Manga Time (81) Houbunsha 240 7th 55 Mh
Manga Time Family (83) Houbunsha 230 17th 25 Mh
Manga Time Jumbo (87) Houbunsha 280 B 25 Mh
Manga Time Original (82) Houbunsha 230 27th 50 Mh
Manga Time Special (89) Houbunsha 220 22nd 20 Mh
Manga Tres Bien (84) Sougou Tosho 320 10th 16 Mg
Manga Utopia (80) Kasakura Shuppan360 11th 10 Mg
Manga Vamp (75) Tokyo Sanseisha 330 22nd 15 Mg
Manga Winki (85) Tokyo Sanseisha 330 25th 15 Mg
Margaret (63) Shuueisha 240 5, 20th 35 Fa
Me (84) Koudansha 280 3rd 30 Fc
Me Twin (87) Koudansha 320 16th 20 Fc
Midori (90) Koudansha 350 24th 25 Fc
Mimi (75) Koudansha 290 28th 30 Fc
Mimi Carnival (79) Koudansha 360 8th 25 Fc
Mimi Excellent (85) Koudansha 490 C 10 Fc
Mints (92) Akita Shoten 330 8th Fc
Mystery Bonita (87) Akita Shoten 450 B 40 Fd
Mystery Ladies (87) Magazine Magazine 390 30th 20 Fd
Monthly Shounen Champion (70) Akita Shoten 340 6th 50 Mb
Monthly Shounen Jump (69) Shuueisha 310 6th 160 Mb
Monthly Shounen Magazine (75) Koudansha 310 6th 180 Mb
Mor Love (89) Houbunsha 320 13th 30 Fc
Morning (82) Koudansha 230 Thu 130 Mc
Mr. Magazine (91) Koudansha 230 A Wed 30 Md
Nakayoshi (54) Koudansha 390 3rd 120 Fa
Nakayoshi DX (77) Koudansha 350 B 18th 15 Fa
Newtype (85) Kadokawa Shoten 420 10th 28 Me
Nighty Judy (92) Shougakkan 360 8th Fc
Office You (85) Shuueisha 280 16th 38 Fc
Omajinai Comic (86) Jitsugyo no Nippon sha 370 8th 26 Fb
Omakomi Mystery (91) Jitsugyo no Nippon sha 390 29th 10 Fd
Pachinker World (90) Byakuya Shobou 260 7th 25 Mi
Palle (88) Minori Shobou 550 B 19th 13 Fe
Penguin Club (86) Tatsumi Shuppan 320 30th 30 Mf
Petit Comic (77) Shougakkan 330 24th 30 Fb
Petit Flower (80) Shougakkan 430 B 26th 20 Fb
Play Comic (68) Akita Shoten 240 A Thu 50 Mg
Pochette (84) Shougakkan 450 E 30 Fb
Potpourri Club (88) Taiyou Shobou 350 1st 6 Mf
Princess (74) Akita Shoten 350 6th 35 Fb
Princess Gold (79) Akita Shoten 470 B 16th 30 Fd
Pyon Pyon (87) Shougakkan 350 3rd 30 Fa
Ribbon (55) Shuueisha 390 3rd 240 Fa
Ribbon Original (81) Shuueisha 320 B 40 Fa
Sakura (89) Schola 280 8th 50 Fc
Serie Character (88) Hakusensha 370 E 12 Fc
Serie Mystery (85) Hakusensha 370 14th 25 Fd
Shoujo Comic (68) Shougakkan 240 5, 20th 50 Fa
Shoujo Friend (62) Koudansha 320 6th 20 Fa
Shounen Captain (85) Tokuma Shoten 380 26th 20 Me
Shounen Champion (69) Akita Shoten 200 Thu 140 Mb
Shounen Gangan (91) Enix 390 12th 60 Mb
Shounen Jump (68) Shuueisha 190 Mon 610 Mb
Shounen Magazine (59) Koudansha 200 Wed 350 Mb
Shounen Sunday (59) Shougakkan 200 Wed 180 Mb
Shuukan Manga Times (56) Houbunsha 230 Fri 60 Mg
Shuuman Gold (90) Houbunsha 280 14th 15 Mg
Silky (85) Hakusensha 270 3rd 40 Fc
Silky Shower (86) Hakusensha 380 C 20 Fc
Silky White (89) Hakusensha 330 E 10 Fc
Sparkling May (89) Shounen Gahousha350 B 16th 13 Fc
Super Comic (77) Amical 320 12th 15 Mg
Super Jump (88) Shuueisha 240 A (Wed) 63 Mc
Super Three Seven (92) Take Shobou 280 17th Mg
Suspellia (86) Akita Shoten 400 24th 30 Fd
The Margaret (82) Shuueisha 500 B 28th 41 Fb
Tina (84) Akita Shoten 400 B 22nd 20 Fd
V Comic (80) Nihon Shuppansha360 26th 19 Mg
Wings (82) Shinshokan 490 20 28th Fe
You (80) Shuueisha 280 3rd 90 Fc
Young Animal (92) Hakusensha 220 A Fri 40 Mc
Young Champion (88) Akita Shoten 230 A Tue 40 Mc
Young Comic (90) Shounen Gahousha250 4th 20 Mf
Young Hip (90) WaniMagazine sha260 6th 25 Mf
Young Jumbo (89) Touen Shobou 320 22nd 8 Mf
Young Jump (79) Shuueisha 200 Thu 240 Mc
Young Jump 30 (8?) Shuueisha 200 Mc
Young King (87) Shounen Gahousha210 A Mon 35 Mc
Young Magazine (80) Koudansha 210 Mon 160 Mc
Young Magazine Kaizokuban (88) Koudansha 250 20 Mc
Young Paradise (91) WaniMagazine sha260 22nd 25 Mc
Young Rose (90) Kadokawa Shoten 280 16th 20 Fc
Young You (86) Shuueisha 280 8th 38 Fc
Young Sunday (87) Shougakkan 210 A Fri 90 Mc
(NOTE: Tairiku Shobou and Kadokawa Shoten are both
Contributors: Neil Asato (nasato@wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu) Enrique Conty
(jester@ihlpl.att.com) Maiko Covington (ecovingt@sdcc13.ucsd.edu) Hitoshi
Doi (doi@jrd.dec.com) Michael Edwards (michaele@nsg.nsg.com.au) Jim
Elliott (elliottj@spot.colorado.edu) Gene Fornario (genef@netcom.com)
Hiroshi Haga (hh0u+@andrew.cmu.edu) Hsu Titus Heng-Hsueh
(hsu@ecf.toronto.edu) Curtis Hoffman (currmann@pnet51.orb.mn.org) Jason
Juta (cjuta@daisy.ee.und.ac.za) Lesfeena Lee (lhlee@sdcc13.ucsd.edu)
Theresa Martin (thmartin@romulus.rutgers.edu) David Mou
(ph111-dz@violet.berkeley.edu) Albert H. Nakano (bert@wagner.cbs.umn.edu)
Steve Pearl (pearl@remus.rutgers.edu) Alvaro Pons (ARTIGAS@vm.ci.uv.es)
Iain Sinclair (axolotl@socs.uts.edu.au) Chris Swett
(72736.433@CompuServe.COM) Tsuyoshi Yamashiki
(t_yamasi@hoffman.cc.sophia.ac.jp) Patrick Yip (???)
Special thanks to: Kunio "the kunedog" Muto (s92458km@cs0.sfc.keio.ac.jp),
for some JIS, and other bits W2/JH1CUV (RSHIROMA@drew.drew.edu), for the
manga magazines list Chih-Ping Kuo (kuo@seattleu.edu), for the first
version of the Guide Toshihiko Kawano (kawano@ai.cs.Fujitsu.Co.JP), Ken
Kameyama (kame@miln.mei.co.jp), Yasui Makoto
(t80351@tecc.ecc.u-tokyo-ac.jp), for the fj.rec.comics Comic Lists (thanx
to Tanaka Jiro for copies) Y. Kitajima (kita@cad.gatech.edu), Tonghyun
Kim (tkim@sdcc3.ucsd.edu), Cynthia "Chibi" Ma (u1040448@arch.unsw.OZ.AU),
Satoshi "beluga" Amagai (MVCY@CORNELLA.cit.cornell.edu) for extensive
additions & corrections
======================================================================== ·
Subject: rec.arts.manga: Manga Resources
Archive-name: manga/resources
THE MANGA RESOURCES LIST ========================
Edited by Steve Pearl March 1993
This is a monthly list of sources of manga material available to the
readers of this newsgroup. If you have any questions, additions or
corrections, send them to:
Internet: pearl@remus.rutgers.edu or Steve Pearl CI$: >internet:
pearl@remus.rutgers.edu 359 Lloyd Rd GEnie: S.PEARL6
Aberdeen, NJ 07747-1826
Changes to this posting since January 1993 - Changed Manga-Chan to a
Japanese Videogame distributor only
Things to do: - Find out which of the "anime" ftp sites contain
non-animated manga material.
DISCLAIMER 1: The editor is not associated with ANY of the companies or
organizations mentioned below.
DISCLAIMER 2: The opinions expressed on this post do not necessarily
represent the opinions held either by the editor or any organization he's
affiliated with.
Table of Contents
Some manga (Japanese comics) have been translated into English for the
American market. Those manga which have spun off into anime-related
projects are indicated in parentheses. [Note: "American manga" based on
Japanese characters are not included. That's why CAPTAIN HARLOCK, DIRTY
PAIR and LENSMAN are not listed here. Also not listed here is NINJA HIGH
SCHOOL, an "American manga" that is only *indirectly* based on Japanese
characters (it is a satirical blend of elements taken from ORANGE ROAD,
PROJECT A-KO, and URUSEI YATSURA). Manga produced by Japanese creators in
English, however, like MAZINGER, ONI & SAMURAI: SoD are included.]
Antarctic Press: MANGAZINE #17-19 (All three issues contain "The Age of
Hydroplanes," the serial by Hayao Miyazaki. This was the prototype for
CHEVAL NOIR [Dark Horse Comics]: ANGEL FUSION by Keisuke Goto & Hiroyuki
Kato in #1; IN DREAMS by Masashi Tanaka in #24-26
Dark Horse Comics: GODZILLA (TV series and lots of man-in-a-rubber-suit
Dark Horse Comics/Studio Proteus: CARAVAN KIDD, ORION, OUTLANDERS (OAV) and
VENUS WARS (movie)
Eclipse Comics: SAMURAI: SON OF DEATH [not a translation but an all-new
work in English by Hiroshi Hirata, whose work was well-liked by Yukio
Eclipse Comics International/Studio Proteus: APPLESEED (OAV), BLACK MAGIC
Eclipse International/Viz Comics: AREA 88 [was continued by Viz Comics
afterwards] (3 OAVs, TV series), (THE LEGEND OF) KAMUI [this is not the
same Kamui as the Kamui in "The Dagger of Kamui"] (TV series), and MAI
Educomics: [see also entries under "New Society Publishers"] BAREFOOT GEN
(OAV, 3 live-action films & an opera) and I SAW IT
EPIC Magazine, ?/?/83: ONI ["Ogre;" not a translation, but an original
story written & drawn by Go Nagai, of Devilman, Fandora, Shuten Doji &
Violence Jack fame.]
First Comics: LONE WOLF AND CUB (a live-action TV series & 6 live-action
movies) and MAZINGER [not a translation but an all-new English-language
work by series creator Go Nagai] (3 TV series & 6 movies; the first TV
series was released in the USA under the name "Tranzor Z")
Innovation Comics: SAZAN 3x3 EYES (4 OAVs)
PHOENIX [Tezuka!] (movie & a live-action film), THE ROSE OF VERSAILLES
(TV series & a French live-action movie), SENJO [BATTLEFIELD; by Leiji
Matsumoto], and BAREFOOT GEN (OAV, 3 live-action films & an opera)
New Society Publishers [PO Box 582, Santa Cruz, CA 95061]: BAREFOOT GEN: A
DAY AFTER (177 pages) copyright 1988, and BAREFOOT GEN: LIFE AFTER THE
BOMB (164 pages) copyright 1989
Now Comics: SPEED RACER CLASSICS (TV series)
University of California Press: JAPAN, INC. by Shotaro Ishinomori [ISBN
Viz Comics: BAOH (OAV), BATTLE ANGEL ALITA, COBRA (TV series and movie),
CRYING FREEMAN (OAV series), FIST OF THE NORTH STAR (2 TV series, a movie
& a live-action Hong Kong kung fu movie), GREY (OAV), GOKU: MIDNIGHT EYE
(2 OAVs), GOLGO 13: THE PROFESSIONAL [also put out by two other
YATSURA (TV series, OAVs and movies), MACROSS II (OAV series), NAUSICAA
-- Written by Steven Feldman
------------------------------------------------------------------------- o
WHERE TO FIND MANGA ===================
Two Japanese bookstore chains in America offer original mangas and manga
magazines. They are the Kinokuniya and Asahiya bookstores. You shall also
be able to find some small bookstores that carry manga in any major city
with a decent size of Japanese populations. For them check the various
"shopping guide" availble at various FTP site. (There are shopping guide to
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Hawaii, Tokyo, and Hong
For the people in Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, and Thailand, many translated
bootlege pirate copys of manga exist at a cheaper price with a poorer
quality. These usually find their way to Chinese bookstores abroad. If
you don't understand Japanese anyway, then you may wish to check these
manga out.
People in Australia and Europe generally are stucked with the American
translations, unless they can find some distributors which carry the
original stuffs, or make oversea order to Japan or America. There are
suppose some French translated manga (Maison Ikkoku and Saint Seiya), but
apparently they are very hard to find.
Kinokuniya Bookstores:
Los Angeles (213) 687-4447 New Jersey
(201) 941-7580 Yaohan Plaza 941-6087 (FAX) Kinokuniya
Bookstore 595 River Road, Edgewater, NJ 07029 Costa Mesa, CA in Yaohan
Center (714) 434-9986, New York (212) 745-1461/1462
Kinokuniya Bookstore 541-9335 (FAX) 10 West 49th Street, New
York, NY 10020 San Francisco (415) 567 7625 Kinokuniya
Bookstore 1581 Webster Street SF, CA 94115 San Jose
(408) 252 1300 Kinokuniya Bookstore 675 Saratoga Ave San Jose, CA 95129
Seattle (206) 587-2477. Torrance Store
(213) 327 6577 Weller Court Store (213) 687 4480
Yes, Books Kinokunia does indeed special order books and mangas through
mail. If you will go to one of their stores, or ask them by writing or
phone, they will give you a yellow postcard that looks like this:
(my best ASCII representation of the back of the postcard)
DATE___________ Kinokuniya
Please supply me the following publications with bill-invoice
If it's not currently in stock, please let us know if you obtained the book
from Japan. YES __ NO __
MR. MISS MRS. _________________________________________PHONE
NO.___________________ please print
CITY AND STATE _________________________________________ ZIP CODE
(and the address on the front says)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115-9948
You may not even need this postcard (although the postage is paid for by
Kino.) as long as you send in the necessary informations. If you can't
write Kanjis then it may help if you would send in a copy of those slips of
papers that always get in your way of reading the manga, but you never
bothered to take out. Those papers have all the essential information
(title, publisher, author, price, etc.). Sea cargo would take 2 - 2 1/2
months (so they claim, expect 3-4 months) but at no extra cost (compare to
store retail, that is), while the air cargo would take 1 months (5-6 weeks)
at 20% additional cost over retail. If you live in the middle of nowhere
(no offense to those living in the "Good Morning" State (^.^)) ask Kino if
they would also do UPS, since most special orders are picked up at the
store. The store also carries some CD & Video tapes, so they may special
order those for you as well.......
(By davmou@ocf.berkeley.edu)
Other Japanese Bookstores:
Asahiya Bookstores U.S.A., Inc Yaohan Plaza 333 S. Alameda St. Suite 108
Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 626-5650 (213) 626-1746 (fax)
Asahiya Bookstores U.S.A., Inc Yaohan Plaza 100 E. Algonquin Rd. Arlington
Heights, IL 60005 (708) 956-6699 Corner of Arlinton Heights Rd and
Algonquin Rd.
Books Nippan Nippon Shuppan Hanbai U.S.A., Inc. 532 West 6th Street Los
Angeles, CA 90014 (213) 687-7400 (213) 687-7401 (213) 687-9896 (fax)
Books Nippon 115 West 57th Street New York, NY (212) 582-4622 Hours: M-F
10:30-7:30; Sat 11-7; Closed Sundays Discounts to members. Unlike their
similarly named brethren, the prices here are quite reasonable. For NYC
area fans, this is *the* place for anime although other NYC stores may have
a better selection of manga.
Iwase Bookstore Atlantam, GA (404) 814-0462 (Will mail order)
Nikaku Japanese Art 615 N. 6th San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 971-2822 Tues-Sat:
10-6PM Sun-Mon: 10-5PM send them a SASE for their catalog. (Best all around
Anime/Manga store!)
Sakura (Maryland) (301) 468-0605
Tokyo Do SHoten 18924 Brookhurst Fountain Valley, Ca 92708 (714) 968-9182
Mon-Sat 10:30-6:30pm, Sunday 11-5
- Manga-Chan Bret Halford 2-10-3-3 01 Minami Kugahara Ota-ku Tokyo 146
Japan Manga-chan is a mail-order service that exports VIDEO GAMES
only. Manga-chan accepts checks or money orders in US$ from a US
bank, or in Pounds from a British bank. (Made out directly to Bret
Halford) Other means of payment are possible, please ask if
necessary. Your order is mailed directly to you from Japan.
O.C.S. Bookshop B.V. Ferdinand Bolstraat 333 NL-1072 LH Amsterdam The
Netherlands Phone : +31-20-6799238 Fax : +31-20-6766187 Hours :
10:00-18:00 daily
For the people who want to visit the bookshop, it's located in Hotel Okura.
It's easy to get there by taking tramline 25. The manager of the shop is
Mr. Masanori Iwanaga. The shop sells japanese books, magazines, manga and
some other things. Note that everything is in japanese and not in English.
The manager told me he is willing to take orders from all over Europe. If
he doesn't have what you're looking for, he can always order it directly
from Japan. He also provides subscriptions to magazines, just call and ask.
--Leon Oninckx
These Internet sites contain manga related materials and are accessible by
anonymous FTP. There may be other sites, but these are the major ones.
Many of them only contain animated related files and have no files derived
from the printed forms of manga.
Site IP address directory contents ====
========== ========= ======== ftp.white.toronto.edu /pub/anime GIFs ftphost.cac.washington.edu /pub urusei-yatsura archives ix2.cc.utexas.edu /anime scripts, GIFs, EAV ix3.cc.utexas.edu ---- Mirror of ix2.cc.utexas.edu network.ucsd.edu /anime scripts,GIFs,AnimeStuff ocf.berkeley.edu /pub/AnimeB scripts, sound files lightning.berkeley.edu \ volcano.berkeley.edu --- Mirrors of
ocf.berkeley.edu headcrash.berkeley.edu / piggy.ucsb.edu /pub/anime scripts,GIFs,sounds cavevax.ucsb.edu \ ferkel.ucsb.edu --- Mirrors of
piggy.ucsb.edu oinker.ucsb.edu / remus.rutgers.edu /pub/anime Rutgers Anime romulus.rutgers.edu --- Mirror of remus.rutgers.edu wpi.wpi.edu /anime scripts, GIFs
Unix Command: ftp <site name> Login: anonymous Password:
Let's say that geeker@pac.man.edu wants to get the latest and greatest
Ranma-chan GIF (/manga/hentai/r-chan1.gif) from happosai.com. - At the Unix
prompt, geeker types "ftp happosai.com". - At the "login:" prompt, he types
"anonymous". - At the "Password:" prompt, he types "geeker@pac.man.edu".
He's now logged at happosai.com. - geeker now uses cd(1) and ls(1) just
like in Unix to find whatever he's after.
If geeker want to get the Ranma-chan GIF, he must do the following: - He
uses cd(1) to go to /manga/hentai. Once there, he uses ls(1) to make sure
that r-chan1.gif is actually there. - GIF files are binary, so geeker sets
the file transfer type to binary by typing "binary". - geeker types "get
<filename>", where <filename> is the name of the file he wants to copy. In
our case, he would type "get r-chan1.gif" to get the file. Note that no
wildcards are allowed. - Several other ftp commands to know: "?" - lists
the commands available "quit" - exits the program "ascii" - sets file
transfer mode to ascii "mget" - allows multiple-file gets, and wildcards
If you need help, or want to learn advanced techniques, DON'T post to
rec.arts.anime for help. Instead, ask your local system administrator /
CCON / Unix witch doctor for help. That's what they're paid for.
- Synopses are available at most of the sites mentioned above.
- Sound files: These are IFF "raw" sound files, which can be played on
Amiga, MS-DOS, Macintosh and Sun computers. There is also a text file
with instructions on how to play them.
- urusei-yatsura archives: the collected messages of four years
(1987-1991) of the Urusei Yatsura mailing list (see below). Warning:
this file is HUGE! (about 300 pages long).
- The Rutgers Anime files contain all the manga translations by Theresa
Martin, and current copies of all the lists maintained by Steve Pearl
- Remember to set your file type to BINARY before reading any GIF files,
sound files, or compressed text (.Z) files.
listserv@brownvm.brown.edu -- Miyazaki mailing list archive. From the
Internet, send a message with the text 'get nausicaa filelist' to
the above address.
BITFTP@PUCC -- FTP access for BITNET sites. For more info, type 'tell
bitftp at pucc help' from a BITNET account.
ftpmail@decwrl.dec.com -- Alternate e-mail FTP access. Send the message
'help' and it will send back instructions.
- Alt.manga mailing list: a mailing list for manga fans (basically a
mailing list echo of the alt.manga newsgroup). To subscribe, send
e-mail to alt-manga-request@darwin.sura.net. The mail should have
the following text in the first line: subscribe alt-manga
yourlogin@youraddress Firstname Lastname
- Anime/Manga APA Index: an article describing anime/manga APAs (Amateur
Press Associations) and a list of known anime/manga APA's.
Maintained by Steve Pearl at pearl@remus.rutgers.edu. UUCP address:
- Anime Shopper's Guide to Chicago: a travelogue of the manga/anime
stores in Chicago (submissions are welcome). Maintained by Enrique
Conty at jester@ihlpl.att.com.
- Anime Shopper's Guide to London: a travelogue of the manga/anime
stores in London. Maintained by David Cotterill at
- Anime Shopper's Guide to Los Angeles: a travelogue of the manga/anime
stores in Los Angeles. Maintained by Jim Lick at
- Anime/Manga Shopper's Guide to New York City: a travelogue of the
stores in NYC where one can purchase manga and anime. Maintained
by Steve Pearl at pearl@remus.rutgers.edu. UUCP address:
- Anime Shopper's Guide to San Francisco: a travelogue of the
anime/manga stores in the Bay Area. Maintained by Steve Mah at
- Anime Shopper's Guide to Sydney: a travelogue of the anime & manga
stores in Sydney. Maintained by Iain Sinclair at
- Anime Shopper's Guide to Tokyo: a travelogue of the anime & manga
stores in Tokyo. Maintained by Jeff Okamoto at
- CD List: a list of anime & manga related Compact Discs. Maintained by
Steve Pearl at pearl@remus.rutgers.edu. UUCP address:
- FTP Script List: a list of all the manga translations available
through anonymous FTP, and then some. Maintained by Kenneth
Arromdee at arromdee@cs.jhu.edu.
- Manga FTP Site list: A list of currenly known ftp sites with
manga/anime content. Maintained by Matt Pyson at
- Hayao Miyazaki mailing list: a mailing list for fans of the works of
Hayao (Nausicaa, Shuna's Journey) Miyazaki. Discussion of
alternative/progressive manga and anime is also welcome. To
subscribe, send mail to listserv@brownvm.brown.edu. The mail
should have the following text in the first line: subscribe
nausicaa yourlogin@youraddress Firstname Lastname
- National Anime BBS Watch: a list of U.S. BBSes with anime or manga
content in them. Maintained by Chet Jasinski. Chet doesn't have
an Internet address, but can be contacted through Steve Pearl at
- Rec.arts.manga mailing list: a mailing list for manga fans (basically
a mailing list echo of the rec.arts.manga newsgroup). To
subscribe, send e-mail to rec-arts-manga-request@darwin.sura.net.
The mail should have the following text in the first line:
subscribe rec-arts-manga yourlogin@youraddress Firstname Lastname
- Shampoo mailing list: a mailing list for fans of the character Shampoo
from the Ranma 1/2 manga series by Rumiko Takahashi. To subscribe,
send e-mail to shampoo-request@calvin.sfasu.edu. To post, send
e-mail to shampoo-l@calvin.sfasu.edu.
- Urusei Yatsura mailing list: a mailing list for fans of Urusei Yatsura
and Maison Ikkoku and of the works of Rumiko Takahashi in general.
To subscribe, send e-mail to
urusei-yatsura-request@panda.panda.com. The mail should have the
following text in the first line: subscribe urusei-yatsura
yourlogin@youraddress Firstname Lastname